Well let me start by saying Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year, hope you have all had a wonderful few days. Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year.
I have a post all about this, here 'Christmas Galore' so be sure to check it out to see more of these beautiful pictures of my tree. Here is Corey putting the Star on top of the tree, a priceless moment.
On Christmas Eve, it is my Grandmother's birthday so we have celebrations for this at my Mum's :) We didn't really do much, just a meal with the family. But afterwards, I decided to go out for my best friends 'R' birthday, who was turning 21 on Christmas Day. Well as a mother, I wouldn't really go out knowing I have to be up early for Corey in the morning however I am fortunate to not suffer from hangovers, ever. Went out at 10, way after he went sleep and I got home about 3, and had my alarm set for 6 - bad idea. I got up and felt absolutely fine, wasn't even really tired all day - it caught up with me today on Boxing Day though. What you do for friend's ey :)
Here is me on the night:
I had a lovely drunken night, drank far too much and spent a lot of money! But as I do not go out often, it was so worth it.
So as above I managed to only managed to get 3 hours sleep, my day started at 8.30am where we went to my Mum's for our traditional breakfast of Bacon Sarnie, yummy! Corey had a few presents after this, and then we took the rest round to my Grandmother's to open the rest :)
A few ornaments, including a 'Best Mum' Me To You in an apron. As well as some absolutely gorgeous Sterling Silver and 9ct Gold 'Mum' earrings - my favourite present of all. Vera Wang perfume, I had wanted this for a while since it had come out recently, someone knows me well and the smell is just so fruity and amazing!
Well, a little while ago we got the laptop as was in a need for a new one :) Also, got a slow cooker due to my part at work - mum decided I needed to cook more. Finally, the best part - cupcake storage boxes, very excited to use this.
Only picture I managed to get with Corey, boo!
This next one takes some explaining, partner and I don't have pictures very often and certainly hadn't had one in a long while. When I asked, this is what I got:
For the rest of the day this is what happened:
As some of you may already know, Corey's dad and I are not together and he does have regular access (blah blah blah).. but on Christmas we share, I get Christmas Eve right through until 2pm Christmas day, his dad then gets from then until 8pm Boxing Day.. that is a very long time apart!!
After he left, my family and I then went on to have a lovely meal and opened all our presents. Other half and I didn't do presents this year, as we can not afford too. I don't usually buy for family members either, as I just put my name on my Mum's ones. This year though, I got everyone a Vista Print desk calender, every month had a picture of Corey from our photoshoot recently which you can see here.
As you can see, in July I kindly stated to my family that it will be my 21st!!! (just encase they forget!)
Frankly, I spent most of the afternoon/evening a bit down in the dumps because I just missed my Corey far too much, the thought of it now that he is still not at home just makes me cry so I am blubbering away just writing about this. Even though Corey goes away every other weekend, Saturday Morn - Sunday Eve, I still can not bare it. This weekend Corey again goes away :(
In the evening, we went to our friends house to exchange presents - not getting back until gone midnight. Made plans to go see 'The Hobbit' movie over the weekend.
Other half started work at 7.45am for work, hate retail! - I stayed in bed until 10am. I could have slept much longer as I was super knackered from no sleep after my Christmas Eve antics but I had Boxing Day Sales to go too. Another family tradition - Grandmother, Mummy and I go every year :)
Good News - here is what I got treated too:
I needed some things for the kitchen, I got an icing tool, cake tester and a jug to go along with my earlier present of cupcake storage boxes :) - feel like such a grown up with all these household essential's as gifts. Corey got treated to this Peppa Pig, which was half price in Boots making it a bargain at £13!!!
Bad News - I had the worst experience with Benefit counter in my local Debenhams. Honestly, I only have "They're Real" mascara, but I wanted to treat myself and she was just so awfully rude and so unknowledgeable (probably not a word but who cares!). She knew nothing about prices, so unhelpful. They had lots of boxes filled with goodies, I wanted one - very clearly as I kept going over. Finally, she asked me if I would like help, took a while! When I asked how much, she said they are full priced items in a box. That's it?! Honestly, if I were a rude person I could have given her a piece of my mind. When I asked how much again, she just said they are all full priced. I wanted to know a total cost of how much everything in it was. I was so frustrated, I gracefully left and shall not return.
Overall, there wasn't much in my local town so nothing exciting or make-up goodies. I shall be purchasing various goodies online though, so keep an eye out for many reviews. For certain, I will be treating myself to Sleek, MAC, New Look & Urban Decay.
I can not believe that I have left out the best part of my whole Christmas. I got an absolutely amazing card from Corey! (some of you may have already seen this on instagram). But my other half actually did good for once.

Corey loves Peppa Pig at the moment. But what makes it so special is what is inside, Corey always calls me his best friend and the 'love you, miss you, see you soon' is something we say to eachother every time we have to say goodbye. It is silly but this card means everything to me. Corey loves it just as much as I do as he has been carrying it around with him for past few days now! Here he is reading it on Christmas Morning:

How a card can mean so much is beyond me, but I am keeping it by my bedside all year round :) do not care!!
We had an amazing couple of days, Corey was spoilt rotten. Besides missing him a lot! - I now have him at home with me, cuddles in mummies bed :) yay!
I am so pleased with my Christmas presents, and can't wait to treat myself to some bits. Most of all had lots of yummy food and loved spending time with my family!
So I hope to see lots of posts of everyone's days, leave your links please :)
Love, Yummy Mummy xo
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