Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Educating Pre-Schoolers: My Baby Is Going To School..


So recently I have been a bit busy with various things but the one that I really can't even come to terms with is that my baby, in January will be going to full time school. Can you believe it? I can't!

Next month, 19th December Corey will be 4 and time has gone super fast. It only feels like yesterday he was turning 3 and it is amazing what this year has done for Corey. Who knew a year could make so much difference? He has gone from a toddler to a little boy especially these last couple of months he has completely grown.

If you follow me on Instagram (@sunshineblogxo) then you would of seen this picture already, but here Corey is putting the star on the Christmas tree with 1 year and 1 day in between. Look at that difference!!!

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I got confirmation that Corey would be starting school as of January. It will be full time and no cost what so ever. It is called Acorn Class at his chosen school. They can start the term after their 4th birthday. It isn't a pre-school and it isn't a reception. It is still very much play based learning but more learning than a pre-school. They even have school uniform - too cute!

This doesn't mean he gets an automatic place for his school that he would start in September next year though, but it is my first choice so fingers crossed.

Information Evening

We got invited to the school to speak to his class teacher and the school head teacher for an information evening with all the parents with children starting in the 4+ class with Corey. It was better than I expected, very organised and more informative than I was expecting.

I was given lots of paperwork which is just unreal from information to lots of forms to sign.

They talked through everything from their policies, procedures and how things are run within the school from the start to the end. They explained it is very much play taught in this 4+ class, they don't have P.E because they do activities outside etc. At first I was a little worried because my whole reasoning for leaving pre-school was they were not teaching Corey even though he is ready. But this school can teach them - yay :)

Home Visits

This was something that was completely new to me, I did not know they do this. So I booked a slot, 1-3 and they didn't show up until 2.55 arghhhh! But it was good, they brought some toys for Corey to play with. They asked a few questions to both Corey and myself.

I was really pleased as they did say how advanced they think Corey is for his age from what they could see and by the things he can do. Which of course makes for an extremely happy mummy :)

School Visits

We will be going to a stay and play session before Christmas, just an hour in the classroom. Show Corey around and let him play. I am advised that I have to walk off for at least 15 minutes or preferably more apparently! I have no reason to believe that Corey will mind at all, he is really good with situations like this. However, if it rains - no way am I going walking in the rain?!

Also, we have been invited to go join for lunch time period one day too. According to the school, this is the most worrying time for new children starting out as it is very different to what they are used too. We have paid for our lunch, I will be joining him and we will both be shown how it works, what to do and able to eat lunch together that day. Which I really do think is a good thing because frankly I do think Corey may struggle a bit with the fact of choosing his school dinners etc but I have opted for that rather than packed lunch as he will get some lovely dinners.


Ohh yes my little munchkin will be wearing school uniform, it has been ordered and at the weekend he will be having his trial and fit session at my mums. School shoes have been brought and I am so excited to see my little cutie dressed up like a big boy. I have tears in my eyes at the thought of it.

First Day

His first day is in January, he gets to start at 9.30 that day and I will make sure I am there for him. How do first days even work? Do you cry for endless hours after whilst they just wonder in happily and excited? I will update on how this actually goes when the time comes, so keep a look out.


The main thing is that Corey is fully aware of everything that is happening and how it is happening. He is at the stage where he can understand, maybe not 100% but he knows he only has a few more days of pre-school before Christmas and then going to a big boy school after. He knows the name of the class. The school visits we shall be doing over the next week or two. He helped pick his shoes etc. He knows where his special teddy is allowed to go in his drawer or bag during school. He knows it all and I am really proud at how he has handled it all so far :)

One thing I will say is if you aren't aware of your school in your area doing a 4 + class it is because they do not advertise it. I really strongly suggest you have a look at it because it is free. They can go full time or part time, whatever hours you wish. Very much like a pre-school with the added bonus of they can teach them and a little extra look at what school life will be like for them. I think for working parents this is great as it really takes that element of childcare costs out of the picture which is a big stress that I have been there done it. So a real benefit for both parent and child I believe.

At one point, I even contemplated home schooling because I am just not ready to say goodbye to my baby. I am aware it would be the worst idea ever and I would never pursue it but it did cross my mind!

Such a scary time though. How did you prepare to leave your child full time? I used to work full time last year so I can do it but it was a struggle and I don't know if I can do it again. This is until he is 18 years old now! That is a really looong time.

Love, Gemma xo

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