Saturday, 28 February 2015
Friday, 27 February 2015
2015 - Looking Forward To Exciting Times :)
Something a little bit different today..
I know I'm probably talking at the wrong part of the year, posts like these are all for the New Year Resolutions kind of things. But I have been reflecting on life at the moment and I am making 2015 a good year, a year to live a little and do the things I want too. I have to admit, I am bloody excited. I get a massive grin across my face when I think about some of the things I have planned or hope to do.
- Alan Carr Live
This time last year I saw Jimmy Carr Live, he is my ultimate favourite comedian - even his infamous laugh gets me giggling. But then last Sunday for girls night, I saw Alan Carr's 'Yap Yap Yap' Tour. So I was really excited to see how they compare. Alan Carr was hilarious I will admit, it was well worth seeing. He is funny in a different kind of way to Jimmy though. Jimmy is a bit more rude which I kind of like, where as Alan is more reserved and very camp. My stomach was hurting by the end from all the laughter. I do wish stand ups lasted longer though! We are looking to book in to see Jimmy Carr again this year :)
- Fuerteventura Holiday
This will be Corey's first ever time abroad, We fly in TWO DAYS - I can not even explain how excited I am right now :) It's been a good 6 years since I last went abroad too. Not sure whether I should be worried about the 4 hour plane fight though. Expect lots of pictures upon my return :) A good excuse to practice my non existent camera skills!
- Pass My Driving Test
If you read my New Year Resolutions post here, then you would have seen that before Christmas I passed my theory. I have been learning to drive, and well frankly I suck big time. But my test is booked and hopefully I will pass my test this year with a bit of luck :) This will open a whole new door of adventures for me and I am excited at the possibilities.
- Girls Weekend Away at Centre Parcs
The girls are coming round tonight for takeaway and movies. But mainly to book our weekend away at the end of May. It's an early 22nd birthday for me :) I haven't been on a girls weekend since I was 16, a few days after I found out I was pregnant with Corey - so of course the drinking plans went out the window. Well not this time :) It is going to be a bit of a pamper, silly, drunken weekend. We plan to book some time in the Spa too - never been to a Spa before, so I am already excited to book in for a massage! It will be good to get away with them & have some fun :)
- Courses
I have toyed with the idea of college for a really long time. I started and quit twice when I was younger. Back in 2013, I started a job as a Tutor. Frankly when I started I had no idea what I was doing. But I was young and it was an apprenticeship. I had no idea that would be the profession I want for the rest of my life. I left due to the fact I didn't gain my qualification after almost a year. I didn't even start it. But now I am looking at going to college to gain this. I don't want a long term course as I don't feel I could commit. However, in June they are offering a two week intense course. So fingers crossed all goes well and I could possibly be doing what I want to do :) It would be such a huge first step to my career!
- Day Trips Out
Some of these include Harry Potter Studio Tours, Cadburys World and Gullivers Land. Mainly Sealife London though! I love day trips out, it is my favourite thing to do. They are costly though and certainly add up when you want to do a few. Usually I do the odd zoo etc here and there. But those are the top three I would love to visit this year :) Last year our absolute favourite was LegoLand.
- Blogging Events
The number one main event being Brit Mums, I really hope I get to attend. I'm not sure if this is 100% possible yet, probably not without a sponsor. Last year was so fun though - read about it here and here. The hotel is already booked though to share with Andrea and Vicki - nice to catch up face to face rather than over skype! You learn a fair bit from workshops, get to attend the bloggers award ceremony, meet some amazing brands but mainly the social aspect is just amazing. Meeting all the lovely faces you talk to daily through the screens and creating friends, in my case even some best friends.
Last year I was going to plan a #mblogchat mummy bloggers community event, but it just wasn't the right time for me to fully commit. I had so many exciting plans and ideas. But I didn't want to do it without giving my 100% to make it amazing for everyone. The community is growing massively though so maybe in the later part of this year I may be able to re-look at this and actually go through with it this time :)
- Wireless Festival
I'm not usually one for the typical festival, you will never see me camping and not washing etc. Whole idea creeps me out so much. But Wireless is just a day thing, not sure on the big crowds but it would be worth it. Last year I didn't go when Bruno Mars was headlining - I don't know why. I regret it still. This year we were planning to go but at the moment still unsure as not all acts have been confirmed yet. But Sunday is looking good with David Guetta, Nicki Minaj and Jessie J. Anyone been before or plan on going?
- Blogging
Okay so I am a self-employed blogger, I am pretty happy with my situation at the moment and am growing my blog, slowly and steadily. After my holiday I will be doing some blog changes and new exciting content, so keep an eye out :)
Something a little bit different today..
I know I'm probably talking at the wrong part of the year, posts like these are all for the New Year Resolutions kind of things. But I have been reflecting on life at the moment and I am making 2015 a good year, a year to live a little and do the things I want too. I have to admit, I am bloody excited. I get a massive grin across my face when I think about some of the things I have planned or hope to do.
- Alan Carr Live
This time last year I saw Jimmy Carr Live, he is my ultimate favourite comedian - even his infamous laugh gets me giggling. But then last Sunday for girls night, I saw Alan Carr's 'Yap Yap Yap' Tour. So I was really excited to see how they compare. Alan Carr was hilarious I will admit, it was well worth seeing. He is funny in a different kind of way to Jimmy though. Jimmy is a bit more rude which I kind of like, where as Alan is more reserved and very camp. My stomach was hurting by the end from all the laughter. I do wish stand ups lasted longer though! We are looking to book in to see Jimmy Carr again this year :)
- Fuerteventura Holiday
This will be Corey's first ever time abroad, We fly in TWO DAYS - I can not even explain how excited I am right now :) It's been a good 6 years since I last went abroad too. Not sure whether I should be worried about the 4 hour plane fight though. Expect lots of pictures upon my return :) A good excuse to practice my non existent camera skills!
- Pass My Driving Test
If you read my New Year Resolutions post here, then you would have seen that before Christmas I passed my theory. I have been learning to drive, and well frankly I suck big time. But my test is booked and hopefully I will pass my test this year with a bit of luck :) This will open a whole new door of adventures for me and I am excited at the possibilities.
- Girls Weekend Away at Centre Parcs
The girls are coming round tonight for takeaway and movies. But mainly to book our weekend away at the end of May. It's an early 22nd birthday for me :) I haven't been on a girls weekend since I was 16, a few days after I found out I was pregnant with Corey - so of course the drinking plans went out the window. Well not this time :) It is going to be a bit of a pamper, silly, drunken weekend. We plan to book some time in the Spa too - never been to a Spa before, so I am already excited to book in for a massage! It will be good to get away with them & have some fun :)
- Courses
I have toyed with the idea of college for a really long time. I started and quit twice when I was younger. Back in 2013, I started a job as a Tutor. Frankly when I started I had no idea what I was doing. But I was young and it was an apprenticeship. I had no idea that would be the profession I want for the rest of my life. I left due to the fact I didn't gain my qualification after almost a year. I didn't even start it. But now I am looking at going to college to gain this. I don't want a long term course as I don't feel I could commit. However, in June they are offering a two week intense course. So fingers crossed all goes well and I could possibly be doing what I want to do :) It would be such a huge first step to my career!
- Day Trips Out
Some of these include Harry Potter Studio Tours, Cadburys World and Gullivers Land. Mainly Sealife London though! I love day trips out, it is my favourite thing to do. They are costly though and certainly add up when you want to do a few. Usually I do the odd zoo etc here and there. But those are the top three I would love to visit this year :) Last year our absolute favourite was LegoLand.
- Blogging Events
The number one main event being Brit Mums, I really hope I get to attend. I'm not sure if this is 100% possible yet, probably not without a sponsor. Last year was so fun though - read about it here and here. The hotel is already booked though to share with Andrea and Vicki - nice to catch up face to face rather than over skype! You learn a fair bit from workshops, get to attend the bloggers award ceremony, meet some amazing brands but mainly the social aspect is just amazing. Meeting all the lovely faces you talk to daily through the screens and creating friends, in my case even some best friends.
Last year I was going to plan a #mblogchat mummy bloggers community event, but it just wasn't the right time for me to fully commit. I had so many exciting plans and ideas. But I didn't want to do it without giving my 100% to make it amazing for everyone. The community is growing massively though so maybe in the later part of this year I may be able to re-look at this and actually go through with it this time :)
- Wireless Festival
I'm not usually one for the typical festival, you will never see me camping and not washing etc. Whole idea creeps me out so much. But Wireless is just a day thing, not sure on the big crowds but it would be worth it. Last year I didn't go when Bruno Mars was headlining - I don't know why. I regret it still. This year we were planning to go but at the moment still unsure as not all acts have been confirmed yet. But Sunday is looking good with David Guetta, Nicki Minaj and Jessie J. Anyone been before or plan on going?
- Blogging
Okay so I am a self-employed blogger, I am pretty happy with my situation at the moment and am growing my blog, slowly and steadily. After my holiday I will be doing some blog changes and new exciting content, so keep an eye out :)
I'm looking forward to making this year positive, fun and all round just a great year. Time to start making the most of life and living in the moment, doing things for myself and for Corey. Plus working towards where I want to go :)
So what have you got planned for this year that you are particuarly looking forward too? Will I hopefully be seeing any of you at Brit Mums? :) Let me know in the comments..
Love, Gemma xo
positive thinking

Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Ravensburger Alphablocks Giant Floor Puzzle Review*
Today I have a Ravensburger Alphablocks Puzzle review :) It can be brought here for £9.99*.
Corey looking proud with the finished result. It is a good quality puzzle, one that won't be easily damaged by little hands. I know it says giant floor puzzle, but I honestly wasn't expecting it to be as big as it is!
Today I have a Ravensburger Alphablocks Puzzle review :) It can be brought here for £9.99*.
Corey looking proud with the finished result. It is a good quality puzzle, one that won't be easily damaged by little hands. I know it says giant floor puzzle, but I honestly wasn't expecting it to be as big as it is!
It is great for those of Corey's age who are just learning to read, we were going through all the letters and the words that go along with them, creating some of our own words for the letters too. Really educational :)
We love puzzles in our house and they are apart of our weekly games night, which I wrote about here. Do you like puzzles just as much as we do? :)
We love puzzles in our house and they are apart of our weekly games night, which I wrote about here. Do you like puzzles just as much as we do? :)
Love, Gemma xo
Monday, 23 February 2015
Half Term Shenanigans #1
In January you may have read that Corey started school, so that means half terms have started. This was our first and I was excited. It was a big change from spending most days with him to not. I am still adjusting which makes these school holidays even more precious to spend as much time with him as possible. So a new tradition on the blog, after each half term I will do a run down of what we have done for the week -
How cute are these tops?! :) He loved wearing them as much as I loved seeing them on him :)
Valentines Day
Corey and I spent Valentines Day like any other weekend, with my family just playing and having dinner. Then we went home and had some cuddles before he went off to bed. It's really sweet that if you ask him what Valentines Day means then he goes "I Love You" :) Corey got me a couple of little presents - a Pandora ring and a heart shaped pillow. All week he asked if I liked my presents, he is such a sweetie, it really melts my heart.
Soft Play Disaster
We braved soft play for the first time in half term. To be fair he hasn't been in over a year with me anyways. I always want to avoid half terms as I know how busy they get but now he is in school not really much choice. It was such a disaster, manic children running and screaming. Big kids play fighting and getting a bit out of hand.
I was buying drinks for everyone at the time, saw Corey in the distance walking off with my good friend and her son assuming they were going to the toilet so thought nothing of it. Looking up at the soft play, I saw big kids fighting like actually fighting. No parents to be seen. It soon ended and kids walked off. Then I see Corey coming back with my friend, crying his eyes out holding a wet tissue to his face. He was trying to get past the fights and accidentally got hit in the ruckus. A kick right to the face.
I was absolutely mortified, I got teary eyed and still no parents could be seen for these kids. Corey didn't want to play anymore, understandably. His friend went on to play, but half hour later he came back as too many big kids playing rough. We soon left. I honestly never thought it would be so bad in half terms and safe to say never again!!
I was absolutely mortified, I got teary eyed and still no parents could be seen for these kids. Corey didn't want to play anymore, understandably. His friend went on to play, but half hour later he came back as too many big kids playing rough. We soon left. I honestly never thought it would be so bad in half terms and safe to say never again!!
Pancake Day
We were so looking forward to Pancake Day, nothing I love more than pancakes. But I don't really eat them all year round. I wait until the day and pig out - it's a must! I can't even remember if Corey had any last year but he wanted them this year. Even more so after our soft play disaster earlier on in the day. We invited ourselves round to my mums, she gave first choice to Corey. He tried one bite and didn't want anymore. After all the times we begged mum for pancakes and he didn't even eat them. I found it funny! I am plain and boring with my pancakes, I cover them in sugar and that is it. Next year I have to be more inventive, certainly want to try with banana and ice-cream!
Norovirus Bugs
I admit I spent most of the week ill with the silly bug that went around, I know so many have been ill with it - it is one nasty bug. Corey is always so good when I am ill, he behaves himself and he was excited to spend a couple of days watching movies in bed. We watched all sorted from Tangled, Frozen, Ninja Turtles and more.
He spent one day with my grandparents whilst I got better too. They went to the park on his bike. I was so gutted to miss this and not be able to snap some pictures! He loves his police bike with the sirens. But with the weather starting to get nicer, more chances will arise.
Play Date
I admit that my 4 year old boy has a girlfriend, it is his godmother's niece. She is such a sweetie and they are so incredibly cute together. Now they are both in different schools, half term is really the only time they get to spend proper time together. We watched a movie whilst they had a little picnic in my living room, played some games before heading out to the park. It was such a fun day, they are so cute together. They hold hands whilst walking along, cuddle up whilst watching movies and everything. She sometimes sneaks him a little kiss on the cheek too. They always hug goodbye too!
So there we have it, our half term wasn't as exciting as I had planned due to being poorly but we enjoyed it non the less. I am already planning the next as it is only 5 weeks away till 2 weeks off for Easter!!! :)
Would love to hear about what you get up to in the school holidays with your children? :)
half term

Sunday, 22 February 2015
Saturday, 14 February 2015
Friday, 13 February 2015
Common Superstitions
Well starting off the day of Friday 13th with a look at some of the common superstitions that have been around for centuries. I don't know whether I believe in them myself, some I do and some I don't. Give me three drains and I will walk across all of them on purpose. But Friday 13th I take extra care, keep myself to myself and stay out of harms way. We also have one next month too if you want a heads up!
So let's begin..
Things that bring BAD luck..
- Friday 13th
- Walking over 3 drains
- Walking under ladders
- Black cat crosses your bath
- Breaking a mirror
- Opening an umbrella indoors
- Dropping salt?
- Waking up on the wrong side of the bed
Things that bring GOOD luck..
- Four leaf clover (I have one tattooed on me next to Corey's name as he is my good luck!)
- Horse shoe the right way up
- Finding a penny heads up
- Bride to wear something old, new, blue and borrowed
- Beginners luck
Makes Wishes..
- If you catch the clock at 11:11
- A fallen eyelash
- Blowing out candles
- Wishbones
- Shooting Stars
- Garlic protects from evil like vampires
- End of a rainbow is a pot of gold
- Cat has nine lives
- Cow's lifting their tails (or sitting down) means rain is coming
- Seeing magpies means different things depending on the amount you see
So I would love to hear what you think about superstitions? Maybe you have one that you really live by. Anything I have left off the list? Let me know in the comments :) Hope you have a good Friday 13th !!
Well starting off the day of Friday 13th with a look at some of the common superstitions that have been around for centuries. I don't know whether I believe in them myself, some I do and some I don't. Give me three drains and I will walk across all of them on purpose. But Friday 13th I take extra care, keep myself to myself and stay out of harms way. We also have one next month too if you want a heads up!
So let's begin..
Things that bring BAD luck..
- Friday 13th
- Walking over 3 drains
- Walking under ladders
- Black cat crosses your bath
- Breaking a mirror
- Opening an umbrella indoors
- Dropping salt?
- Waking up on the wrong side of the bed
Things that bring GOOD luck..
- Four leaf clover (I have one tattooed on me next to Corey's name as he is my good luck!)
- Horse shoe the right way up
- Finding a penny heads up
- Bride to wear something old, new, blue and borrowed
- Beginners luck
Makes Wishes..
- If you catch the clock at 11:11
- A fallen eyelash
- Blowing out candles
- Wishbones
- Shooting Stars
- Garlic protects from evil like vampires
- End of a rainbow is a pot of gold
- Cat has nine lives
- Cow's lifting their tails (or sitting down) means rain is coming
- Seeing magpies means different things depending on the amount you see
So I would love to hear what you think about superstitions? Maybe you have one that you really live by. Anything I have left off the list? Let me know in the comments :) Hope you have a good Friday 13th !!
Love, Gemma xo

Sunday, 8 February 2015
Sometimes I think it is better to not say anything at all, sometimes its better than to deal with all the questions that will be asked. Sometimes all the sympathy in the world, it still doesn't make it better. I have kept something to myself for a little while now, it hasn't helped. It made it worse. I finally opened up to one of best friends earlier today and it made a world of difference.
I sit here now writing this wondering whether I should actually post or not. Writing is my way of letting it out so to speak, not just for me but I know for many others too. People have their own way of dealing with things. This is mine. Whether I publish this or not is a different story but you may find out if you are reading this. My music is very loudly playing as I try to block out my thoughts for just a few minutes, a few minutes without thoughts means a few minutes without tears. It didn't really work out like that though.
So I had this secret, I had this pain, that I hadn't told anyone. I couldn't tell anyone. If I told someone, it made it reality. I cried to myself every day and night. Braving a smile for when Corey was home after school. Probably the hardest thing to do is a fake a smile for the sake of your children so they don't see the pain. But it has to be done.
A couple of weeks ago, I was in a lot of pain every day. I was being sick, I was having a lot of bleeding and some insane cramping pains. I'm sure some of you can guess where this may be going. I spent the whole week at home. Everyone out of my friends and family who knew how ill I was, they told me to go to the doctors. I lied and said I didn't. But I did.
Back in October I wrote a post on Pregnancy, losses and false hope (view here). I wrote how a few years ago, I experienced the pain. I wrote how heart breaking it is to get the false hope of thinking you are pregnant and get that negative test each month. I wrote how I suffered alone. The same has happened. Everyone knows by now how broody I am, all I want is to have more children. All the pregnancy announcements at the moment, I am so happy for all my friends but I do have a bit of jealously each time there is a new announcement waiting for my time to come.
I was scared, I was scared that my worst nightmare was coming true again. The doctors confirmed the worst. I didn't want it to be true. The worst feeling ever is I didn't even know I was pregnant, I didn't know there was a baby starting to grow inside of me. I found out when it was too late. There was nothing I could do. I was helpless. I couldn't of done anything.
Telling people makes it reality, it is making me comes to terms with it, sort of. Hiding the fact that it happened, it didn't change my feelings. It made it worse. When my pains started to fade and the bleeding stopped, I tried to get out and about. I've been carrying on with my driving lessons. I've been trying to see friends. I don't want to deal with all the questions, I don't want all the sympathy. But I'm fed up of having to fake a smile anymore. It doesn't feel right. At the moment I don't even feel whole.
Today was the actual end of an era for something in my life, which was something that was long over due but it still didn't make it easier. It doesn't change the fact it is over and I still have to process it and deal with it. But it just came at the wrong time with everything that I chose to go through alone recently. Whether that person would have been there or not is a different story, who knows. It wouldn't of made it easier. It wouldn't change what has happened.
Last year Harriet wrote a post on how she wasn't dealing with miscarriage, it sums it up all in one. Check it out here. Time was moving forward, people getting on with their lives - but it doesn't forget the feeling.
An old post I wrote was all about what to do when feeling blue, so check it out by clicking here. It is exactly how I spend this weekend with friends. They didn't know what was going on, but they were still there and we watched my favourite movies, ate some nachos and chilli - was yum!
I try to be positive with most things but sometimes there just isn't enough positivity in the world to make things okay. I can wake up every day and get on with life, just like I have been trying. But it eventually caught up with me. Whether its something bad that has happened, grief, or a bad day. It's okay to be sad about it. It is part of the process of moving forward.
Sometimes I think it is better to not say anything at all, sometimes its better than to deal with all the questions that will be asked. Sometimes all the sympathy in the world, it still doesn't make it better. I have kept something to myself for a little while now, it hasn't helped. It made it worse. I finally opened up to one of best friends earlier today and it made a world of difference.
I sit here now writing this wondering whether I should actually post or not. Writing is my way of letting it out so to speak, not just for me but I know for many others too. People have their own way of dealing with things. This is mine. Whether I publish this or not is a different story but you may find out if you are reading this. My music is very loudly playing as I try to block out my thoughts for just a few minutes, a few minutes without thoughts means a few minutes without tears. It didn't really work out like that though.
So I had this secret, I had this pain, that I hadn't told anyone. I couldn't tell anyone. If I told someone, it made it reality. I cried to myself every day and night. Braving a smile for when Corey was home after school. Probably the hardest thing to do is a fake a smile for the sake of your children so they don't see the pain. But it has to be done.
A couple of weeks ago, I was in a lot of pain every day. I was being sick, I was having a lot of bleeding and some insane cramping pains. I'm sure some of you can guess where this may be going. I spent the whole week at home. Everyone out of my friends and family who knew how ill I was, they told me to go to the doctors. I lied and said I didn't. But I did.
Back in October I wrote a post on Pregnancy, losses and false hope (view here). I wrote how a few years ago, I experienced the pain. I wrote how heart breaking it is to get the false hope of thinking you are pregnant and get that negative test each month. I wrote how I suffered alone. The same has happened. Everyone knows by now how broody I am, all I want is to have more children. All the pregnancy announcements at the moment, I am so happy for all my friends but I do have a bit of jealously each time there is a new announcement waiting for my time to come.
I was scared, I was scared that my worst nightmare was coming true again. The doctors confirmed the worst. I didn't want it to be true. The worst feeling ever is I didn't even know I was pregnant, I didn't know there was a baby starting to grow inside of me. I found out when it was too late. There was nothing I could do. I was helpless. I couldn't of done anything.
Telling people makes it reality, it is making me comes to terms with it, sort of. Hiding the fact that it happened, it didn't change my feelings. It made it worse. When my pains started to fade and the bleeding stopped, I tried to get out and about. I've been carrying on with my driving lessons. I've been trying to see friends. I don't want to deal with all the questions, I don't want all the sympathy. But I'm fed up of having to fake a smile anymore. It doesn't feel right. At the moment I don't even feel whole.
Today was the actual end of an era for something in my life, which was something that was long over due but it still didn't make it easier. It doesn't change the fact it is over and I still have to process it and deal with it. But it just came at the wrong time with everything that I chose to go through alone recently. Whether that person would have been there or not is a different story, who knows. It wouldn't of made it easier. It wouldn't change what has happened.
Last year Harriet wrote a post on how she wasn't dealing with miscarriage, it sums it up all in one. Check it out here. Time was moving forward, people getting on with their lives - but it doesn't forget the feeling.
An old post I wrote was all about what to do when feeling blue, so check it out by clicking here. It is exactly how I spend this weekend with friends. They didn't know what was going on, but they were still there and we watched my favourite movies, ate some nachos and chilli - was yum!
I try to be positive with most things but sometimes there just isn't enough positivity in the world to make things okay. I can wake up every day and get on with life, just like I have been trying. But it eventually caught up with me. Whether its something bad that has happened, grief, or a bad day. It's okay to be sad about it. It is part of the process of moving forward.
Love, Gemma xo
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Valentines Day: Gift Ideas For Her
With Valentine's fast approaching for yet another year, I have put a little gift guide together for presents for the ladies. I admit it turned into a bit of a wishlist, so if I have any secret admirers out there who are feeling generous ;) So get sharing to your partners and drop some hints!
What do you tend to be given and also give on Valentines Day? :)
With Valentine's fast approaching for yet another year, I have put a little gift guide together for presents for the ladies. I admit it turned into a bit of a wishlist, so if I have any secret admirers out there who are feeling generous ;) So get sharing to your partners and drop some hints!
ASOS - £3.00
I can not get over how cute these are, I have a new found love for quirky socks. But these two are at the top of my list. Cute pugs as cupid. Soo adorable!
River Island - £2.00
This is more a jokey kind of gift. I'm certainly picking one up for my best friend who is single. Who doesn't love a bit of Mr Grey?! The movie comes out soon too, just a little excited - although I wish for a hotter Mr Grey, I don't like the Jamie Dornan guy!
River Island - £45 / £17
Can never go wrong with a handbag. Can never have too many! Plus a matching purse as well. I've been on the hunt for the perfect black every day bag and this is as close as I can find without spending too much of a fortune.
Lush - £6.95
I love all things bath, it is so relaxing. What a better reason to give a loved one than for Valentine's Day or this insanely cold weather too. My baths have been missing a bit of Lush as it's been a while since I last did an order. They have some beautiful sets in their range here. I'm only really a massive fan of their bath bombs though so the Love Locket and Floating Flower. But the Kiss Lip Gloss looks like something I would love too!
Pandora - £50
I can't remember if I got this last year for Valentines or the year before. But as a lover of anything cherub/cupid, it was the perfect present. What better way to show love than with a cupid :)
Pandora - £35
Maybe a gift for someone who hasn't been together long but progressing well or a cheaper alternative to most charms these days. For me this is such a beauty! I like my bracelet to be symmetrical so I need another dangly charm to even it out, this will be the one.
Links Of London - £45
I think by now you may have figured out my love for cupids, my second love is four leaf clovers. I adore this charm. Such a cute name of Lucky In Love!
Links Of London - £130
Another adorable jewellery item. I love the concept of the dream catcher, looks very unique and beautiful. Any girl would be lucky to receive this.
Yankee Candles - £19.99
Candles are usually a save bet as many love them including me. I have never tried Yankee Candles before but I want too, the price puts me off a bit. When I saw this scent though, pink grapefruit. I can imagine how lush it is. I want!!!
Disney Store - £18
Who doesn't love a bit of Disney?! Okay you're mad if you don't. A way to the inner child in your heart. Who is your favourite character? Mine is Rapunzel, hence the choice of this snow globe that I certainly really want :)
Debenhams - £46
So many perfumes to choose from, genuinely a girl has some sort of favourite. Vera Wang has a few of my favourites but this Be Jeweled is my ultimate favourite. I love fruity scents!
Too Faced Eyeshadow Palette
Boots - £38
Well when it comes to make-up there is so much you could choose from. I could have honestly dedicated the longest wishlist post ever of the amount I am lusting over. It was hard to choose. But something like a palette is so versatile and this Too Faced is gorgeous!
Interflora - £29.99
I am one of those people who loves flowers, it isn't for everyone and some people don't see the point. But I love them, they brighten up my day. When I've had them brought for me, it is just a lovely gesture. Growing up Roses were always my favourite but when I became a mum, on my first Mother's Day I received Tulips, my new favourite. Just look how beautiful they are?!
Clintons - £25
Everyone loves a teddy, it can be any type of teddy. Quirky, cute or anything. They are just a cute little extra gift, something for a friend or younger couples maybe.
Cat Eye Sunglasses
River Island - £13
Sunglasses are always needed, especially that in hope the nice weather will be returning sometime soon. Especially for those of us on holiday a couple of weeks after Valentines Day, eek!! I've always loved River Island sunglasses, just as their bags, they last so long!
Tesco Direct - £13
Movie nights are my favourite, I have far too many. But nothing beats being cuddled on the sofa whether it be a partner, kid, pet or a blanket! Romantic comedies are best for Valentines Day. I really recommend Blended, Just Go With It, Leap Year, PS I Love you, Proposal and The Ugly Truth.
Of course like any gift guide, there is plenty more that you could buy that may be more suited to the person buying for. I stuck to some traditional ideas for gifts, which are also my favourite. But don't get me wrong I wouldn't turn down an Apple computer. Or a safe bet is always a trip to Ernest Jones.
What do you tend to be given and also give on Valentines Day? :)
Love, Gemma xo
gift guide

Sunday, 1 February 2015
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