Hope you are all having a lovely extra long weekend for Easter and got up to lots of exciting bits :) Last half term I decided to do a round up of the time off, a new thing to do this each time so you can read last half term here. I'm writing this post even earlier than the end of the holidays because we won't be doing anything from this point on wards, keep reading to find out why and what we have been up to so far!
On day one, we both had some fake Ninja Turtle tattoos before we headed off for a date with Corey's little girlfriend. We watched 'Home' in the cinema and got ripped off by the popcorn, although it was extremely yummy and the movie was so good - a must see. We grabbed a McDonalds before hand and even managed to get 'Home' toys in their happy meals.
At the beginning of half term, we did some crafts ready for Easter. I brought a couple of eggs for us to cover in tissue paper from Hobby Craft and a little nest for them to go in. Baker Ross* sent me a box of craft goodies, like a rabbit that can pop up out of the cup etc. Then the little paper rabbits were some real cool cut outs I got from the Twinkl Resources*. Here are some of the bits we made:
He didn't have any of the early symptoms before the spots. But last Tuesday, the spots started coming and he was still getting more coming through on Friday. They avoided most of his face, lower arms and lower legs - very odd. But absolutely covered everywhere else, even in his hair and ears! It really isn't nice to see him that poorly :( It had taken it out of him, he has been sitting cuddling all day every day, loss of appetite, headache, aches and pain etc. So this meant that both of our weekend plans were cancelled meaning relaxation and lots of cuddles. They have got to the itchy stage which is tricky, he screams the house down (understatement!!) when trying to put cream on them. It isn't easy! But now as we are almost a week in, it can only get better I hope and he will be all okay soon :) Luckily not back to school until next week!
Easter wouldn't be Easter without a bit of chocolate, so I did do a mini indoor egg hunt which he really enjoyed even if he was exhausted. Then of course he got some eggs and toys off the family. Mum made some really awesome sweet cones for everyone filled with yummy goodies!
Oh yes, the most exciting blog delivery ever, good old classic Mr Kipling* sent over some goodies. All of my family were very excited by this one as Mr Kipling always makes an appearance for our family get together's that we have often. My family is very small consisting of only 7 of us including grandparents, we are extremely close and spend as much time together as possible. Family is very important to Corey and I. Corey sees his uncle and great grandad as his best friends, which is very sweet and they have to play for hours when we go round!
In the very pretty yellow spring feeling parcel we were sent 3 classic boxes of goodies, luckily family favourites:
French Francies are my favourites - sooo super yummy!! Also with a meaning close to my heart. The reasoning behind this is when I was younger my nan was one of those that loved to feed her grandchild, like you couldn't leave without having eaten something. French Francies were always around the house, my grandad used to have them - would sit there with my brother fighting over the pink ones whilst my grandad told us all sorts of stories. When my grandad passed many years ago, my nan would still buy them just as a memory for us and her. Now I do it as a memory for them both :)
Viennese Whirls, they are just so yummy. The type of yummy that just melt in your mouth and that even thinking about that makes you want more and more. I could just eat a whole packet if I wanted too!
Cherry Bakewells, well my brother who I should point out is older than me - wasn't impressed when I said he wasn't allowed to open these after lunch. Corey had to point out that mummy must take a picture first - life as a blogger hey?! I only got one out of the packet, boo! I'm not sure why but I always have to pick off the cherry as I don't like them. Absolutely love the rest of the bakewell though - am I the only one who picks off the cherry?!
Anything is #betterwithcake and like I've said family get together's is when they come out the most. But also you know as a mum or person in general, we all have them down days whether something has gone wrong, got on our nerves or just super exhausted after a long day. That is when cake is needed for me :) Or you know the day on the diet when feeling a little bit naughty so want a treat, yeah that happens often for me!
I would love to know what for you is #betterwithcake ?! :) Let me know in comments below..
As everything is #betterwithcake even poor little Corey with his chicken pox and have really been trying to do as much as possible to make Corey feel better and lift his spirits a bit. Take a look at these super cute pjs that my mum picked up in Tesco sale for just £3. If cake doesn't do it for you then these certainly will. I'm jealous they don't come in my size!!

There you have it our half term shenanigans so far and celebrating Easter with cake and chocolate. All of ours is being rationed out, so much for the diet! Would love to know what you and the children have got up too so far in these holidays? :)
Love, Gemma xo
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This post is an entry for #betterwithcake Linky Challenge, sponsored by Mr Kipling. Learn more at https://www.facebook.com/mrkiplingcakes.
This post is an entry for #betterwithcake Linky Challenge, sponsored by Mr Kipling. Learn more at https://www.facebook.com/mrkiplingcakes.
Sounds like even though Corey's been suffering with chicken pox you've had a lovely time. I looove french fancies haven't had them for ages! Hope you've had a great Easter weekend xx
ReplyDeleteI love Mr Kipling! I have too many favourites hehe! For me tea is #betterwithcake - I love tea, but put a slice of cake next to it and it's just amazing! Zach's still too young for half term so it's been business as usual for us except for the lovely long weekend. We had a lovely family meal out yesterday with the other half's lot and today my lot are coming over :) back to work tomorrow though...booo! hope Corey is starting to feel better. #mummymonday
ReplyDeleteooh Mr Kipling yum been a while! Hope the chicken pox is on it's way out. It does sound like have had a lot of fun over Easter. I'm the same as Mummascribbles. Tea is #betterwithcake! xx #mummymondays
ReplyDeleteSounds like a lovely relaxed weekend and I hope that Cory is feeling much better. In my opinion everything is #betterwithcake but most of my evenings are #betterwithcake!! Thank you for hosting #mummymonday :-) xx
I hope the chicken pox get better soon, its horrible seeing them poorly isn't it. Mr Kiplings is definitely a great way to help though. x
ReplyDeleteFrench fancies! That takes me back! Sounds like you've had a hard time with the chicken pox, we've avoided so far but I'm sure it will be our turn soon! X
ReplyDeleteChicken pox doesn't sound like a fun way to spend the Easter break but at least you guys are having some fun :) Hopefully they get better soon #MummyMondays