Saturday, 30 August 2014
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Pizza Making Fun :)
After pre-school Corey isn't always hungry, it depends on whether it is something he likes to eat. I suggested that we made pizzas, he was thrilled so off I went and got the bits :) I got some amazing photos so here we go:
After pre-school Corey isn't always hungry, it depends on whether it is something he likes to eat. I suggested that we made pizzas, he was thrilled so off I went and got the bits :) I got some amazing photos so here we go:
Overall, it didn't come to much but of course depends what you want to put as your toppings. The bargain is the gorgeous Napolina sauce and bases. I am a fan of their pasta range as it is! But these were only like £1.70 each from tesco and so delicious - a must try :)
The Making
Testing The Goods
There you have it, our fun pizza making :) They were super yummy too! What other dinner type recipes do you get your kids to help in on?
Love, Gemma xo
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Friday, 22 August 2014
Educating Pre-Schoolers: Top 5 Apps
You may have seen my previous post on Eduating Pre-Schoolers it was an introduction to this new series which you can read here. Today I am talking Top 5 Apps.
I know there is a lot around whether a child should use a tablet whether it be an ipad, android or even a children's tablet. There is a lot around at the moment and for a reason, technology is the future. In a shop a little while ago, I saw a store using ipad as a till? Who would have though! I feel we need to embrace it but I am also for embracing the inner child of the walks in the woods, board games and more. There needs to be balance.
Corey can use an ipad, he knows how to facetime his nanny and play games etc. But the games we do have for him, are child friendly and mainly learning :) So today I share the ones I feel are very good for helping children learn!
1. Talking ABC £1.99
2. Preschool and Kindergarten Learning £6.99 (they also do a numbers one too!)
3. Little Writer Free
4. Kizzu Letter Book £1.49
5. Phonics Island Free
I have included pictures to show you what they are about because that's the best way really to tell what it is like in my opinion :) Without having to pay for trial and error like I did! I haven't said anything about them just because the pictures explain it enough in my opinion.
There you have it, I hope this is helpful for at least one person as these are apps that have proved to be very helpful for Corey :) Do you have any other app recommendations?!
You may have seen my previous post on Eduating Pre-Schoolers it was an introduction to this new series which you can read here. Today I am talking Top 5 Apps.
I know there is a lot around whether a child should use a tablet whether it be an ipad, android or even a children's tablet. There is a lot around at the moment and for a reason, technology is the future. In a shop a little while ago, I saw a store using ipad as a till? Who would have though! I feel we need to embrace it but I am also for embracing the inner child of the walks in the woods, board games and more. There needs to be balance.
Corey can use an ipad, he knows how to facetime his nanny and play games etc. But the games we do have for him, are child friendly and mainly learning :) So today I share the ones I feel are very good for helping children learn!
1. Talking ABC £1.99
Corey hasn't quite got the hang of reading letters yet, to be expected at his age really. But he can tell which letter is associated to which animal thanks to this app, which is a step in the right direction ey :) Although some of the animals are a bit like what?!
2. Preschool and Kindergarten Learning £6.99 (they also do a numbers one too!)
This one is really good because in the speak over, it does the phonic, reads the sentence at the top for what 'A' is for. and give you chances to write with lines and without :)
3. Little Writer Free
This one is great because it comes with all the numbers, letters and even shapes. It is a fun one to mix it up from the usual! Plus Corey finds it fun he is following an animal and fruit!
4. Kizzu Letter Book £1.49
Another letters one, but this one gives you like 12 or 15 chances starting from following right through to doing it on your own. Harder for Corey, he has only just started so isn't very confident in doing when no lines to follow!
5. Phonics Island Free
I can't get my head around phonics, I never have. So this is a great app for both of us to learn from! He seems to like making the funny noises, but it seems to confuse him too. How do your kids to phonics?
I have included pictures to show you what they are about because that's the best way really to tell what it is like in my opinion :) Without having to pay for trial and error like I did! I haven't said anything about them just because the pictures explain it enough in my opinion.
There you have it, I hope this is helpful for at least one person as these are apps that have proved to be very helpful for Corey :) Do you have any other app recommendations?!
Love, Gemma xo
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Tesco Toys - Childrens Shop Role Play
You may have seen my previous post about Corey coming home that he had some new toys :) I decided to post about them, because they are really good bargains from good old Tesco toys! Plus lots of fun for both the children and parents ;)
Which makes a grand total of £35.50 for everything you see in the pictures, it is good quality and not easy to break. Good for those of all ages. Great for role play, imagination and to keep the kids entertained. We love using the microphone on the Cash Register, taught Corey to say "mummy to the tills please" :)
Plus don't forget you can use your clubcard vouchers whether you double them up or use them on their own, it will save you money! Would be a really cool Birthday or Christmas present - maybe like me and just because? :)
Here is the boys enjoying playing - scanning shopping for mummy to buy!
There you have it :) What do you think? Would you consider looking at Tesco own range for toys?
You may have seen my previous post about Corey coming home that he had some new toys :) I decided to post about them, because they are really good bargains from good old Tesco toys! Plus lots of fun for both the children and parents ;)
Pop Up Shop - £18
Basket - £3
Cash Register - £12
Play Food - £2.50
Which makes a grand total of £35.50 for everything you see in the pictures, it is good quality and not easy to break. Good for those of all ages. Great for role play, imagination and to keep the kids entertained. We love using the microphone on the Cash Register, taught Corey to say "mummy to the tills please" :)
Plus don't forget you can use your clubcard vouchers whether you double them up or use them on their own, it will save you money! Would be a really cool Birthday or Christmas present - maybe like me and just because? :)
Here is the boys enjoying playing - scanning shopping for mummy to buy!
There you have it :) What do you think? Would you consider looking at Tesco own range for toys?
Love, Gemma xo

Tuesday, 19 August 2014
A Whole Week Apart #4 - The Return :)
After writing 3 different posts on how difficult it was to be away from Corey whilst he went on Holiday with his dad last week! Finally, on Saturday evening he returned home and thought I would end the posts on a happy note with pictures :)
We celebrated with cake which may be a bit over the top for some, but who cares - I wanted to celebrate my baby being back! :) He enjoyed it too!
He came back to some new fun bargain toys which will be on the blog tomorrow with all information!
Some of my favourite pictures from that evening, just look at how cute they are?!
The next evening we went to my mums for dinner so that everyone could see him including my grandparents as they all missed him too! He even got a tattoo and tried driving (both fake obviously!). Try to explain to a 3 year old that a tattoo will come off is hard work.
Here is a message I sent out on Saturday night just to say a thankyou for everyone of you who helped me through the hard week :) It meant so much to have some lovely fellow bloggers who I can call my friends!
There you have it a few pictures of our first day back together! It was the most amazing feeling to have him back :) He gave me the biggest cuddles, kisses and smiles - makes my heart melt ❤
After writing 3 different posts on how difficult it was to be away from Corey whilst he went on Holiday with his dad last week! Finally, on Saturday evening he returned home and thought I would end the posts on a happy note with pictures :)
We celebrated with cake which may be a bit over the top for some, but who cares - I wanted to celebrate my baby being back! :) He enjoyed it too!
He came back to some new fun bargain toys which will be on the blog tomorrow with all information!
Some of my favourite pictures from that evening, just look at how cute they are?!
The next evening we went to my mums for dinner so that everyone could see him including my grandparents as they all missed him too! He even got a tattoo and tried driving (both fake obviously!). Try to explain to a 3 year old that a tattoo will come off is hard work.
Here is a message I sent out on Saturday night just to say a thankyou for everyone of you who helped me through the hard week :) It meant so much to have some lovely fellow bloggers who I can call my friends!
There you have it a few pictures of our first day back together! It was the most amazing feeling to have him back :) He gave me the biggest cuddles, kisses and smiles - makes my heart melt ❤
Love, Gemma xo

Sunday, 17 August 2014
Bio Oil - Pregnancy App Tracker & Giveaway*
Today I am talking about a new free app that is only available on the App Store at the moment. It is a fantastic new app by the very famous Bio Oil :) Here is a quick You Tube demonstration on how to use it and how it works:
It is so easy, I have tested it myself. Easy to share to social media for friends too. At the end, it will create one long video of your bumps progress - which is assume :) I have loved ideas like this since Tom Fletcher (from McFly *swoon*) and his gorgeous wife Giovannia Fletcher - the most amazing couple by the way, done similar 5 months ago. Here is that video:
So now you can create something just as beautiful in a quick easy step so I strongly advise you to go ahead and download this app :) I can't wait to be pregnant again and do this!
For those who didn't know Bio-Oil is an award winning oil that specialises in scars (including acne), stretch marks, dehydrated skin and more! In Boots the biggest bottle of 200ml is £19.99 :)
If you go to this website here you can download or search 'Bio Oil Bump Tracker' in the App Store :)
Now in addition to this, I have been given the chance to giveaway 3 bottles of Bio-Oil to 3 lucky winners :) Here are the rules:
1. Open from 18/08/2014 at 11am, running for 10 days and closing on 28/08/2014 at 12pm.
2. You must follow the mandatory guidelines in the below Rafflecopter of following myself on Twitter and BlogLovin and tweeting.
3. The others are all optional extras in Rafflecopter :)
4. Winners will be chosen within 24 hours of closing.
5. Winners will then have 72 hours to respond or forfeit their prize and another winner will be chosen.
6. There will be 3 winners to win a bottle each, provided by the PR company of Bio-Oil. Please allow up to 28 days after they receive your address for delivery. I am not held responsible for this and no alternative prize will be given.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Good Luck Everyonee!!! :)
Today I am talking about a new free app that is only available on the App Store at the moment. It is a fantastic new app by the very famous Bio Oil :) Here is a quick You Tube demonstration on how to use it and how it works:
If you go to this website here you can download or search 'Bio Oil Bump Tracker' in the App Store :)
Now in addition to this, I have been given the chance to giveaway 3 bottles of Bio-Oil to 3 lucky winners :) Here are the rules:
1. Open from 18/08/2014 at 11am, running for 10 days and closing on 28/08/2014 at 12pm.
2. You must follow the mandatory guidelines in the below Rafflecopter of following myself on Twitter and BlogLovin and tweeting.
3. The others are all optional extras in Rafflecopter :)
4. Winners will be chosen within 24 hours of closing.
5. Winners will then have 72 hours to respond or forfeit their prize and another winner will be chosen.
6. There will be 3 winners to win a bottle each, provided by the PR company of Bio-Oil. Please allow up to 28 days after they receive your address for delivery. I am not held responsible for this and no alternative prize will be given.
Love, Gemma xo
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Friday, 15 August 2014
Do You Miss Being You? Pre-Parenthood!
Do you miss being you? The part before becoming a parent. As you may well and truly know by now I have spent the week away from Corey whilst he is on holiday with his dad. I have missed him so much, but I got to reminiscing as I had time to do bits and bobs that I wouldn't do with him.
I am only just 21 so pretty young still and I fell pregnant back when I was 16. Oh so cliche, no judgements please. I have always been mature for my age, I know that, I grew up fast - I had that chance bceause I looked a lot older than I am. Before I was pregnant, I had left school and I spent my evenings either doing the most insane amount of walking with my friend, at the pub, in the car just driving (not me driving!) or just chilling.
There was a thing the other that I was reading on why mums don't let kids aged 10 (ish) out and about to the park anymore like we used to as kids. When in fact crimes have down something like 20% since then. I have to admit I really suck at remembering this, so apologies if you read this and my figures are slightly off. But do you know why I think it is worse, there may be less crime but the crimes is worse and frankly by younger people these days. In my opinion anyways, in my town it is awful - people younger than me getting done for attempted murder etc. The evening that I am writing this on, I read that a 15 year old girl got arrested for stabbing at 21 year old man. I wasn't very innocent at 15, lets face it I liked to stay out late and hang around with the bad boys. But I could never even think about harming anyone, let alone hang around with someone who would!
This week, the partner and I had a date night. We were driving around on the way home and it felt nice - for a glimpse second, it reminded me of who I used to be. But missing Corey, I cried right there and then in the car. I wanted my baby back!
After our date night, we ended up at Tesco for some bits we needed. Being a grown up is so glam isn't it? We brought a pack of cards, we wanted board games but they were expensive! We were going old school :) You can tell I am a mum, as they are Ninja Turtle cards! As much as I love technology and that is the future. My phone is constantly attached to me and Corey knows how to use an ipad more than my mum does! But what happened to the days where muddy puddles, game nights and stuff were fun? Being a child, being innocent. 10 year olds who have blogs, I didn't know about this until I was like 18 and took me 2 years to pluck up the courage to attempt it last year.
I have the chance every other weekend to go out if I wanted too as Corey is away from me without choice. I could take advantage of that but most of the time, instead I am a boring old lady counting down the hours till he returns.
I probably go out around 5 times a year now with the girls, surprisingly I am still not a lightweight like they are! I can drink as much as them and still be more sober, even now. Even though I was 16, I was still able to get into the clubs so I had my chance then when my friends didn't. I partied with the older crowds and had my days doing what I wanted. But now I don't see the fun in nights out! I get bored, I come home by 1 oclock. I do enjoy the midnight subway trip though, yummmyyy!
The first picture is my prom selfie from back in 2009, I was only 15 here! The bottom three, okay so the only one pre-baby was on the right, the other two are actually after but I couldn't find any decent before baby photos as my skin was horrendous!!!
I may have been young when I had Corey but when my kids are grown up, left the house I will only be 40 (ish). Some of the things I can't do now, that doesn't mean I won't eventually. I want to take trips to Paris and New York, I will one day.
Do you miss being the old you? My friend Hayley done a post (view here) on does being a mummy give you a new identity. I agree with everything she has said and I admit, I do think becoming a parent, things change - obviously! But I wouldn't change that for the world :) I love my life, I love my son and I love being a mum!
Do you miss being you? The part before becoming a parent. As you may well and truly know by now I have spent the week away from Corey whilst he is on holiday with his dad. I have missed him so much, but I got to reminiscing as I had time to do bits and bobs that I wouldn't do with him.
I am only just 21 so pretty young still and I fell pregnant back when I was 16. Oh so cliche, no judgements please. I have always been mature for my age, I know that, I grew up fast - I had that chance bceause I looked a lot older than I am. Before I was pregnant, I had left school and I spent my evenings either doing the most insane amount of walking with my friend, at the pub, in the car just driving (not me driving!) or just chilling.
There was a thing the other that I was reading on why mums don't let kids aged 10 (ish) out and about to the park anymore like we used to as kids. When in fact crimes have down something like 20% since then. I have to admit I really suck at remembering this, so apologies if you read this and my figures are slightly off. But do you know why I think it is worse, there may be less crime but the crimes is worse and frankly by younger people these days. In my opinion anyways, in my town it is awful - people younger than me getting done for attempted murder etc. The evening that I am writing this on, I read that a 15 year old girl got arrested for stabbing at 21 year old man. I wasn't very innocent at 15, lets face it I liked to stay out late and hang around with the bad boys. But I could never even think about harming anyone, let alone hang around with someone who would!
This week, the partner and I had a date night. We were driving around on the way home and it felt nice - for a glimpse second, it reminded me of who I used to be. But missing Corey, I cried right there and then in the car. I wanted my baby back!
After our date night, we ended up at Tesco for some bits we needed. Being a grown up is so glam isn't it? We brought a pack of cards, we wanted board games but they were expensive! We were going old school :) You can tell I am a mum, as they are Ninja Turtle cards! As much as I love technology and that is the future. My phone is constantly attached to me and Corey knows how to use an ipad more than my mum does! But what happened to the days where muddy puddles, game nights and stuff were fun? Being a child, being innocent. 10 year olds who have blogs, I didn't know about this until I was like 18 and took me 2 years to pluck up the courage to attempt it last year.
I have the chance every other weekend to go out if I wanted too as Corey is away from me without choice. I could take advantage of that but most of the time, instead I am a boring old lady counting down the hours till he returns.
I probably go out around 5 times a year now with the girls, surprisingly I am still not a lightweight like they are! I can drink as much as them and still be more sober, even now. Even though I was 16, I was still able to get into the clubs so I had my chance then when my friends didn't. I partied with the older crowds and had my days doing what I wanted. But now I don't see the fun in nights out! I get bored, I come home by 1 oclock. I do enjoy the midnight subway trip though, yummmyyy!
The first picture is my prom selfie from back in 2009, I was only 15 here! The bottom three, okay so the only one pre-baby was on the right, the other two are actually after but I couldn't find any decent before baby photos as my skin was horrendous!!!
I may have been young when I had Corey but when my kids are grown up, left the house I will only be 40 (ish). Some of the things I can't do now, that doesn't mean I won't eventually. I want to take trips to Paris and New York, I will one day.
Do you miss being the old you? My friend Hayley done a post (view here) on does being a mummy give you a new identity. I agree with everything she has said and I admit, I do think becoming a parent, things change - obviously! But I wouldn't change that for the world :) I love my life, I love my son and I love being a mum!
Love, Gemma xo
Kids First Aid Kit Review*
We were sent a Kids First Aid Kit by Premier Healthcare & Hygiene Ltd costing only £4.60* :)
It is a great little kit, a really compact size - great to take away with you on days out or holiday. We are keeping ours in the car as we think this is the perfect place. At home, you have the water and plaster to clean things up but out and about you don't! For the price it is great, the bag has space to add some more bits in that you think may be necessary too - maybe some more plasters! You only get one regular size, so I would recommend adding some bigger ones for like grazes on the knees etc.
You can get yours here! :) What are your top tips for keeping your child safe and prepared for the summer?
We were sent a Kids First Aid Kit by Premier Healthcare & Hygiene Ltd costing only £4.60* :)
Content contains:
Alcohol Free Wipes x 2
Creature Plasters x 9
Conforming Bandage x 1
Vinyl Gloves x Pair
Low Adherent Dressing x 1
Triangular Bandage x 1
Microporous tape x 1
Eye/Wound Wash Pod x 2
It is a great little kit, a really compact size - great to take away with you on days out or holiday. We are keeping ours in the car as we think this is the perfect place. At home, you have the water and plaster to clean things up but out and about you don't! For the price it is great, the bag has space to add some more bits in that you think may be necessary too - maybe some more plasters! You only get one regular size, so I would recommend adding some bigger ones for like grazes on the knees etc.
You can get yours here! :) What are your top tips for keeping your child safe and prepared for the summer?
Love, Gemma xo
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
A Whole Week Apart #3
So you may have seen post one and post two, all about how Corey is spending the week on holiday with his dad - away from me!
A whole bloody week!
I said in the last post, I love to look at old pictures and thanks to time hop I came across this golden oldie - super cute :)
Last night, I was very fortune as I got to speak to my little munchkin moo on the phone. I try to keep my distance but it is very hard. It had been 4 days, with 4 days left.
I spoke to him for almost 8 minutes, I didn't want to say goodbye but it was quite late and he gets so distracted so easily so better to say goodnight whilst he was still sort of paying attention enough to say it back!
I have to admit, after spending 4 days wanting to talk to him, waiting for my phone to ring last night was like watching paint dry - felt like forever! I think speaking to him made it worse though. Wait, it isn't mean - let me explain.
Time has been going quite quickly, mainly because I have spent the time sleeping! I was missing him soo much, looking forward to his return and him telling me all about his holiday which I know he would of had so much fun!
He was busy telling me about the train, tower, sealife (so jealous, my favourite place) and how today he will be on a boat! It was so sweet and frankly I was so proud of him as he sounded so grown up talking in full sentences, which he does but maybe I noticed more as had been so long since I last spoke to him.
Like I said, I had been missing him so much and speaking to him was fantastic. Made my heart melt, but it made me cry too. This reason to why this has made me worse, is because now I have spoken to him, I want speak to him again and again!
It is sooo hard, I hate being away from him, not having cuddles and kisses or little giggles. I even miss the tantrums - it is feeling like FOREVER but only 2 sleeps left and I am soooo excited!!!!!! :) counting down the hours officially starts now!
So you may have seen post one and post two, all about how Corey is spending the week on holiday with his dad - away from me!
A whole bloody week!
I said in the last post, I love to look at old pictures and thanks to time hop I came across this golden oldie - super cute :)
Last night, I was very fortune as I got to speak to my little munchkin moo on the phone. I try to keep my distance but it is very hard. It had been 4 days, with 4 days left.
I spoke to him for almost 8 minutes, I didn't want to say goodbye but it was quite late and he gets so distracted so easily so better to say goodnight whilst he was still sort of paying attention enough to say it back!
I have to admit, after spending 4 days wanting to talk to him, waiting for my phone to ring last night was like watching paint dry - felt like forever! I think speaking to him made it worse though. Wait, it isn't mean - let me explain.
Time has been going quite quickly, mainly because I have spent the time sleeping! I was missing him soo much, looking forward to his return and him telling me all about his holiday which I know he would of had so much fun!
He was busy telling me about the train, tower, sealife (so jealous, my favourite place) and how today he will be on a boat! It was so sweet and frankly I was so proud of him as he sounded so grown up talking in full sentences, which he does but maybe I noticed more as had been so long since I last spoke to him.
Like I said, I had been missing him so much and speaking to him was fantastic. Made my heart melt, but it made me cry too. This reason to why this has made me worse, is because now I have spoken to him, I want speak to him again and again!
It is sooo hard, I hate being away from him, not having cuddles and kisses or little giggles. I even miss the tantrums - it is feeling like FOREVER but only 2 sleeps left and I am soooo excited!!!!!! :) counting down the hours officially starts now!
Love, Gemma xo

Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Hidden Illneses
Sometimes it is hard when you have an illness that people can't see or don't know much about. People can be judgemental, when I was younger I was one of them!
I remember along time ago, a family member suffered with IBS, I never believed her (I was like 14) until one day I saw her have the pains - I saw how bad it was. She luckily found tablets that helped. Other people I know are agrophobic, I think how can they sit inside all day every day?
But then I grew up, I had Corey which really lets just say messed my insides up a bit with the whole caesarian as well as my weight causing problems such as IBS and Gallstones. Last year I spent most of it ill, I would be in agony with all sorts of stomach cramping pains - every night without fail. Even caught Jaundice at one point, you can not understand how itchy that was - it was awful.
I am sort of learning to control my IBS, I am currently on no tablets for it though. So if I eat loads then I suffer loads and have had to cut down my dairy in take etc. It is controllable but losing weight would help even more!
I have never had Anxiety before, and I wouldn't really say I do now either. But in January, I had my first ever Panic Attack the day before a big job interview. It was the first of a few and it is hard.
When I was younger I developed Chronic Fatigue which sometimes I see to be an excuse of being lazy. But honestly, I am always tired. I struggle to do day to day jobs, my weight plays a part in this too with losing my breath quickly etc but that's a whole different story!
I wouldn't say I have depression but sometimes like most of us girls - I do have down days, I don't need tablets for it as I can handle it myself! I have alot of down days, far too many. I cry a lot with a lot of hormones, most days I spend in bed. Those who are aware of what the Implant does will know how severe the side effects are but I choose them over time of the month!
I admit I don't like going out, I make excuses. The only places I really ever go now are to do the weekly shop, my mums or grandparents house. I am partial to the odd shopping trip here and there too obviously!
This may seem like a little self pity party, to some extent it is I guess but unless you have been through some of these, you wouldn't know how someone else feels. I didn't!
I sometimes think f**k sake things couldn't get any worse, but they could be a hell of a lot worse. In the scheme of things, I am fortunate and I am so lucky I have Corey who helps me get through each day. I don't know what I would do without his giggle, cuddles and kisses! It is enough to make my day every day :)
I don't think people understand fully about how I feel on a day to day basis because frankly I don't tell them the whole story like I have today. I think I thought writing about it might help and to some extent it has but maybe also it may raise a bit of awareness to how bad some people may be feeling but you wouldn't know as can't physically see it or know about it!
I generally don't like to admit this sort of stuff to people, but I have realised through blogging there is a lot of people who go through the same thing, bloggers support each other so you will always have someone :)
Hope this post helps a little to someone!
Sometimes it is hard when you have an illness that people can't see or don't know much about. People can be judgemental, when I was younger I was one of them!
I remember along time ago, a family member suffered with IBS, I never believed her (I was like 14) until one day I saw her have the pains - I saw how bad it was. She luckily found tablets that helped. Other people I know are agrophobic, I think how can they sit inside all day every day?
But then I grew up, I had Corey which really lets just say messed my insides up a bit with the whole caesarian as well as my weight causing problems such as IBS and Gallstones. Last year I spent most of it ill, I would be in agony with all sorts of stomach cramping pains - every night without fail. Even caught Jaundice at one point, you can not understand how itchy that was - it was awful.
I am sort of learning to control my IBS, I am currently on no tablets for it though. So if I eat loads then I suffer loads and have had to cut down my dairy in take etc. It is controllable but losing weight would help even more!
I have never had Anxiety before, and I wouldn't really say I do now either. But in January, I had my first ever Panic Attack the day before a big job interview. It was the first of a few and it is hard.
When I was younger I developed Chronic Fatigue which sometimes I see to be an excuse of being lazy. But honestly, I am always tired. I struggle to do day to day jobs, my weight plays a part in this too with losing my breath quickly etc but that's a whole different story!
I wouldn't say I have depression but sometimes like most of us girls - I do have down days, I don't need tablets for it as I can handle it myself! I have alot of down days, far too many. I cry a lot with a lot of hormones, most days I spend in bed. Those who are aware of what the Implant does will know how severe the side effects are but I choose them over time of the month!
I admit I don't like going out, I make excuses. The only places I really ever go now are to do the weekly shop, my mums or grandparents house. I am partial to the odd shopping trip here and there too obviously!
This may seem like a little self pity party, to some extent it is I guess but unless you have been through some of these, you wouldn't know how someone else feels. I didn't!
I sometimes think f**k sake things couldn't get any worse, but they could be a hell of a lot worse. In the scheme of things, I am fortunate and I am so lucky I have Corey who helps me get through each day. I don't know what I would do without his giggle, cuddles and kisses! It is enough to make my day every day :)
I don't think people understand fully about how I feel on a day to day basis because frankly I don't tell them the whole story like I have today. I think I thought writing about it might help and to some extent it has but maybe also it may raise a bit of awareness to how bad some people may be feeling but you wouldn't know as can't physically see it or know about it!
I generally don't like to admit this sort of stuff to people, but I have realised through blogging there is a lot of people who go through the same thing, bloggers support each other so you will always have someone :)
Hope this post helps a little to someone!
Love, Gemma xo

A post a little different to the normal on here, but today I am talking about Body Shaming.
Growing up I was bullied, a fair bit to be honest. The fat ginger girl who had bad acne - well not much going for me there is it really?! I forever spent my teens trying to grow up in a hurry, thinking as we got older maybe it would stop. To some extent it does. But adults still bully, not out right as such but slyly. For example, you see all over the "news" celebrities that have put on weight whilst pregnant or just in general. How that is actual news is beyond me? Front page of magazines, celebrities being slated for cellulite on their beach bodies?
No man or women is perfect. We all have our little imperfections. But we are who we are and that is what makes us who we are.
I am a rather larger size at the moment, I wish I wasn't. If I worked hard enough, I could lose it but I don't want too at the moment. Okay I do. But I don't have the energy too! Why should I be ashamed of my size? If and when I lose weight, I know its because I need to for my health. Not because doctors or society say I am obese! Frankly, what has it got to do with anyone else? My weight doesn't impact anyone else besides myself and maybe my family. But if the man and child who loves me is okay with it, then why shouldn't anyone else be?
One of my favourite bloggers, Penny from actually set up this little project. Not that as blogger's we can change the world, this mean soceity that we live in. But its a start! Why look at the negativity when we can focus on the positive?
So I have been paired up with a lovely fellow blogger, I will choose 3 things to share about her and then 3 things about myself! I understand this is about body shaming, but honestly I have chose some personality traits too as I am more of a believe that it is the inside that counts! :) Plus if you feel good inside, you will feel good on the outside - hence a bit more confidence :)
Julie Roo
1. A very inspirational woman with a caring nature. As part of #TeamHonk - a blogger's team who fundraise for Sports Relief. They did a massive relay race, it was that amazing that an elephant attended!! Also Sky Dived in remembrance of #MatildaMae raising money for The Lullaby Trust :)
2. Julie has an amazing figure, I am insanely jealous of Julie's legs!! I feel like I don't even need to talk about this too much as the picture just speaks for itself. She is just naturally beautiful :)
3. A lovely caring mum, to two beautiful boys & the cutest dog!
A lot of us were saying on Twitter how we couldn't write this part because frankly we don't like anything about ourselves, at first I was going to ask my boyfriend for 3 things he liked about me. But Penny reminded me this whole thing is to try and make people feel confident, better about themselves. Myself included, so I must give it a go -
1. I don't know if this counts as such, but I would like to think that I am a good mummy - the best I can be anyways. He is my whole focus, my whole life and I wouldn't be who I am today without my little rascal! :)
2. I like that I am a caring person, I am the one my friends come to when they need advise or a bit of a rant. I listen, give advice and known for being the agony aunt. If I weren't so emotional then I would have loved to be a Psychiatrist!
3. Ermmm, my eyes - I like the colour of blue they are and because Corey has the same eyes as me :)
I admit I struggled to write about myself but could have found so many more reasons why Julie is so wonderful! I guess it is easy to find things about someone else but when it comes to yourself, you can't look past the imperfections you feel.
If you follow the hashtag #bodyUNashamed you can see every one else's posts too! I think in all around 65 of us are taking part - how cool is that!
So there you have it, my #bodyUNashamed post :) I am proud to take part in such a great cause to help myself and others feel better about ourselves, try to boost self confidence! Can you find 3 things you like about yourself? :)
A post a little different to the normal on here, but today I am talking about Body Shaming.
Growing up I was bullied, a fair bit to be honest. The fat ginger girl who had bad acne - well not much going for me there is it really?! I forever spent my teens trying to grow up in a hurry, thinking as we got older maybe it would stop. To some extent it does. But adults still bully, not out right as such but slyly. For example, you see all over the "news" celebrities that have put on weight whilst pregnant or just in general. How that is actual news is beyond me? Front page of magazines, celebrities being slated for cellulite on their beach bodies?
No man or women is perfect. We all have our little imperfections. But we are who we are and that is what makes us who we are.
I am a rather larger size at the moment, I wish I wasn't. If I worked hard enough, I could lose it but I don't want too at the moment. Okay I do. But I don't have the energy too! Why should I be ashamed of my size? If and when I lose weight, I know its because I need to for my health. Not because doctors or society say I am obese! Frankly, what has it got to do with anyone else? My weight doesn't impact anyone else besides myself and maybe my family. But if the man and child who loves me is okay with it, then why shouldn't anyone else be?
One of my favourite bloggers, Penny from actually set up this little project. Not that as blogger's we can change the world, this mean soceity that we live in. But its a start! Why look at the negativity when we can focus on the positive?
So I have been paired up with a lovely fellow blogger, I will choose 3 things to share about her and then 3 things about myself! I understand this is about body shaming, but honestly I have chose some personality traits too as I am more of a believe that it is the inside that counts! :) Plus if you feel good inside, you will feel good on the outside - hence a bit more confidence :)
Julie Roo
1. A very inspirational woman with a caring nature. As part of #TeamHonk - a blogger's team who fundraise for Sports Relief. They did a massive relay race, it was that amazing that an elephant attended!! Also Sky Dived in remembrance of #MatildaMae raising money for The Lullaby Trust :)
2. Julie has an amazing figure, I am insanely jealous of Julie's legs!! I feel like I don't even need to talk about this too much as the picture just speaks for itself. She is just naturally beautiful :)
3. A lovely caring mum, to two beautiful boys & the cutest dog!
A lot of us were saying on Twitter how we couldn't write this part because frankly we don't like anything about ourselves, at first I was going to ask my boyfriend for 3 things he liked about me. But Penny reminded me this whole thing is to try and make people feel confident, better about themselves. Myself included, so I must give it a go -
1. I don't know if this counts as such, but I would like to think that I am a good mummy - the best I can be anyways. He is my whole focus, my whole life and I wouldn't be who I am today without my little rascal! :)
2. I like that I am a caring person, I am the one my friends come to when they need advise or a bit of a rant. I listen, give advice and known for being the agony aunt. If I weren't so emotional then I would have loved to be a Psychiatrist!
3. Ermmm, my eyes - I like the colour of blue they are and because Corey has the same eyes as me :)
I admit I struggled to write about myself but could have found so many more reasons why Julie is so wonderful! I guess it is easy to find things about someone else but when it comes to yourself, you can't look past the imperfections you feel.
If you follow the hashtag #bodyUNashamed you can see every one else's posts too! I think in all around 65 of us are taking part - how cool is that!
So there you have it, my #bodyUNashamed post :) I am proud to take part in such a great cause to help myself and others feel better about ourselves, try to boost self confidence! Can you find 3 things you like about yourself? :)
Love, Gemma xo
Sunday, 10 August 2014
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