Sunday, 28 December 2014
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Merry Christmas!!
Well if you hadn't guessed today is Christmas Day so a massive MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone :) It is now 9.30 in the evening as I write this. I hope you have all had a wonderful day celebrating and probably have more celebrating to do as well.
Yesterday, Christmas Eve (obviously!) was actually my nan's 70th birthday, so all the family headed out to dinner which was really nice. Afterwards, Corey headed to my mum's whilst I headed into town for my best friend's birthday drinks! It was a good night :) Luckily for me, I can go out drinking and not have a hangover!
First up, the only picture I managed to get of us two together through all the Christmas excitement..
So Christmas morning was upon us and here is a few pictures of what we got up too..
It was a really good morning and Corey loved his presents and was well behaved for a change. He absolutely adores all my family members as we are so small and very close. So all of us together is really lovely for Corey, he gets all the attention and being fussed over.
Corey asked for one thing only from Santa - Rex the dinosaur from Toy Story. It was hard to find and I left it last minute but of course mummy never fails :) As for the other presents, he had a few themes - Spurs, Lego and Superheroes then some other bits and bobs like crafts, chocolates etc.
Well if you hadn't guessed today is Christmas Day so a massive MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone :) It is now 9.30 in the evening as I write this. I hope you have all had a wonderful day celebrating and probably have more celebrating to do as well.
Yesterday, Christmas Eve (obviously!) was actually my nan's 70th birthday, so all the family headed out to dinner which was really nice. Afterwards, Corey headed to my mum's whilst I headed into town for my best friend's birthday drinks! It was a good night :) Luckily for me, I can go out drinking and not have a hangover!
First up, the only picture I managed to get of us two together through all the Christmas excitement..
So Christmas morning was upon us and here is a few pictures of what we got up too..
It was a really good morning and Corey loved his presents and was well behaved for a change. He absolutely adores all my family members as we are so small and very close. So all of us together is really lovely for Corey, he gets all the attention and being fussed over.
Corey asked for one thing only from Santa - Rex the dinosaur from Toy Story. It was hard to find and I left it last minute but of course mummy never fails :) As for the other presents, he had a few themes - Spurs, Lego and Superheroes then some other bits and bobs like crafts, chocolates etc.
You know your a blogger when your kid goes "mum got another present, take a picture" before opening it!!
As well as, Corey and I are lucky enough to be going on our first holiday abroad together in March thanks to my mum and uncle who will be coming with us. This was both of our main presents. I was very lucky as after many years of wishing for a dolls house, I finally got one that I will be able to paint and decorate myself :)
Sadly, when it came to 2pm this afternoon - Corey had to go to his dads. Where I am sure he is having lots of fun opening even more presents, the lucky devil. But if you read my blog, you will know how emotional I get over being away from my baby. But on Christmas, my favourite time of year. It was hard. He isn't back until Sunday - I have a few days of being miserable without him.
Then I enjoyed this lovely meal with my family - YUM!..
However, the good thing about Christmas is the sales - yay! Well to be honest, I'm not a huge sale person because of how busy it is etc but I will be looking to see what I can treat myself too.
I'm now in bed writing this whilst watching Frozen before an early night - life of a 21 year old!!
So there you have it, my Christmas :) Once again, I really hope you all had a lovely day too! Let's finish with a question - what is your favourite Christmas song?!
Mine is 'Jingle Bell Rock' not sure who by and 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' by Mariah Carey :)

Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Everyday Make-Up; What's My Face Worth?!
Roughly around a year ago, when I first start blogging - I had absolutely no clue what so ever into make-up. But now thanks to all the beauty bloggers influence from pretty pictures to raving reviews, my collection has grown and improved vastly.
So I decided it was time to update my 'Whats My Face Worth?' and see how much the price differs. You can check out lasts years by clicking here, the total cost being £81.21
Lets take a look at what products I use now:
Apologies for the poor photography skills, I was feeling a bit lazy last night and the lighting was poor!
The result:
Now lets work out the cost:
No 7 Colour Calming Green Primer - £10.50
Estee Lauder Double Wear Foundation - £29.50
No 7 Beautifully Matte Foundation - £13.50
Soap & Glory Archery Brow Duo - £8
Naked 3 Eyeshadow Palette - £37
L'Oreal Paris Volume Million Lashes Mascara - £10.99
Benefit BADgal Lash Mascara - £17.50
MAC Zoom Fast Black Lash Mascara - £14.50
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara - £19
Rimmel Scandel Eyes Kohl Eyeliner - £3.99
Vichy Dermablend Setting Powder - £15
Body Shop Honey Bronzer - £13
Benefit Blush Palette - £29.50
MAC Soft & Gentle Highlighter - £23
Boots Soltan Moisturising Suncare Stick (Lip stuff) - £3.99
No 7 High Shine Intense Lip Crayon - £9
Drumroll please.. The total cost is £257.97
Whattt?! How crazy is that!! I am actually shocked it costs this much. Baring in mind that does not even include my skincare routine that I use daily too. Such a BIG difference to last year - actually a £176.76 difference!
I tend to use blush and eyeshadow palettes because I can mix it up each day for a bit of variety. Right, so 4 mascara's isn't necessary and does add up a bit but I am very fussy when it comes to my lashes - I can't stand gaps! Sometimes I also use my MAC lipsticks of course as they are a beauty - Plumful being my favourite :) I actually found using the No7 foundation works better as a concealer around my t-zone to keep my oiliness away for the day!
It seems like quite a lot for just everyday make-up, I do realise that but I have very bad skin so I need complete full coverage on my base. Then as for my eyebrows and lashes, they are complete blonde naturally so take a lot of work to not look odd!
I tend to use blush and eyeshadow palettes because I can mix it up each day for a bit of variety. Right, so 4 mascara's isn't necessary and does add up a bit but I am very fussy when it comes to my lashes - I can't stand gaps! Sometimes I also use my MAC lipsticks of course as they are a beauty - Plumful being my favourite :) I actually found using the No7 foundation works better as a concealer around my t-zone to keep my oiliness away for the day!
It seems like quite a lot for just everyday make-up, I do realise that but I have very bad skin so I need complete full coverage on my base. Then as for my eyebrows and lashes, they are complete blonde naturally so take a lot of work to not look odd!
How much do you reckon your daily make-up is worth?! Dare you to add it up ;)

Sunday, 21 December 2014
Corey's 4th Birthday :)
It was very much a Ninja Turtle themed birthday as you can see (he has marvel theme for Christmas). He loves it all, can't wait for him to play around. The two best toys I think though were a Ninja Turtle Race Track & an amazing remote control flippy flashing car (above) from Hamley's from my Uncle. Literally you HAVE to check it out by clicking here. Its too amazing not too! It moves whilst on the side like that too.
In the evening of his birthday he went off to his dad's for a second party of the day - lucky boy!
Then yesterday we headed to Milton Keynes Theatre. As a child I used to go every year to their Christmas pantomime and would watch a funny actor Bradley Walsh. After 7 years he was back and Corey being a good age to sit through, I just had to go. Can you guess what we went to see:
Yes, thats right - Peter Pan!!
Bradley Walsh was hilarious as always. But the also had a dance group called Flawless, who were on Britain's Got Talent a few years ago, they were amazing pirates - very hot! It was such a good pantomime, I would certainly go see it again. Corey absolutely loved it and it was so sweet to watch him be happy dancing and singing along! Here he was waiting to go in with a lighty up thing:
So as you can probably guess Friday 19th December was Corey's 4th Birthday :)
Now I could probably ramble on for ages on how fast time is going. I can't actually quite come to terms with fact that I am now a mummy to a 4 year old. I'm so proud of my little munchkin, he is my best friend. Over the last few months, he has really grown into a proper little lad with his cheeky personality shining through.
On Thursday he had his last day of pre-school ready for him to go onto a 4+ class at Primary School. It was emotional, cuddling all his friends goodbye. He has been at his nursery for over 3 years so all the staff love him. But he got breakfast with Santa and had a birthday party with yummy cake. Even joined in in the nativity as a cute little sheep. Here Corey is trying on his big boy uniform for January:
Now as for his birthday, we spent the day at my mums with close family, having a yummy meal and opening presents. Here are some pictures of the day:
And now for the presents..
It was very much a Ninja Turtle themed birthday as you can see (he has marvel theme for Christmas). He loves it all, can't wait for him to play around. The two best toys I think though were a Ninja Turtle Race Track & an amazing remote control flippy flashing car (above) from Hamley's from my Uncle. Literally you HAVE to check it out by clicking here. Its too amazing not too! It moves whilst on the side like that too.
In the evening of his birthday he went off to his dad's for a second party of the day - lucky boy!
Then yesterday we headed to Milton Keynes Theatre. As a child I used to go every year to their Christmas pantomime and would watch a funny actor Bradley Walsh. After 7 years he was back and Corey being a good age to sit through, I just had to go. Can you guess what we went to see:
Yes, thats right - Peter Pan!!
Bradley Walsh was hilarious as always. But the also had a dance group called Flawless, who were on Britain's Got Talent a few years ago, they were amazing pirates - very hot! It was such a good pantomime, I would certainly go see it again. Corey absolutely loved it and it was so sweet to watch him be happy dancing and singing along! Here he was waiting to go in with a lighty up thing:
With Corey's birthday so close to Christmas I have never really bothered with a party with friends. Maybe next year as he will have his reception class. But the cost, is it worth it? What is your thoughts on this? :)

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Children Christmas Crafts*
Christmas is not far away, super exciting for me as it is by far my favourite time of year. Today's post is all about some Children Christmas Crafts.
I wanted to do some crafty bits with Corey as some keepsakes etc for following years. However, I really suck due to lack of creativeness and so beyond impatient. Luckily for me, I do have a lovely best friend and fellow blogger Steph who is really good at all things crafty. Corey and I invited ourselves over for a play date.
Have a look at what we got up too:
My family, Corey and I all love Reindeers. Much to my brothers annoyance as it means we sing the Rudolph song, a lot. Corey was very excited to make a Rudolph card. Steph had done one for Corey to copy. He was learning pen control and the difference between pressure giving different finishes when colouring. With help, he produced a proud that I am very proud of and will treasure :) The next one we made, which was Corey's idea for Rudolph to wear a Santa's coat!
The snowman card I actually done myself, all the pieces were separate and just needed the back pealing off to be able to stick where ever you wanted on the card. It is a very lovely idea and comes out great. But it is so fiddly, probably best for children aged 8+ I would say. I really enjoyed it though - I have a Santa and Rudolph to do now too!
Corey really enjoyed being able to help Steph make the hand print ornaments. He was asking all sorts of questions on how it was being made and getting really involved even had a go at helping roll out the dough. He noticed how the mixture was sticky and cold!
As you an see everything turned out great. My favourite being the hand print ornaments, which are made out of salt dough. Steph made it for us, which is actually so beyond quick and easy with ingredients you will already have in the house. Check out Steph's recipe and how to instructions by clicking here.
The other crafty bits in the pictures were kindly gifted to me by Baker Ross which is a very affordable craft website that you should certainly check out :)
I would love to know if any of you have any ideas for more Christmas crafts or maybe links to your own posts on some?!
Christmas is not far away, super exciting for me as it is by far my favourite time of year. Today's post is all about some Children Christmas Crafts.
I wanted to do some crafty bits with Corey as some keepsakes etc for following years. However, I really suck due to lack of creativeness and so beyond impatient. Luckily for me, I do have a lovely best friend and fellow blogger Steph who is really good at all things crafty. Corey and I invited ourselves over for a play date.
Have a look at what we got up too:
My family, Corey and I all love Reindeers. Much to my brothers annoyance as it means we sing the Rudolph song, a lot. Corey was very excited to make a Rudolph card. Steph had done one for Corey to copy. He was learning pen control and the difference between pressure giving different finishes when colouring. With help, he produced a proud that I am very proud of and will treasure :) The next one we made, which was Corey's idea for Rudolph to wear a Santa's coat!
The snowman card I actually done myself, all the pieces were separate and just needed the back pealing off to be able to stick where ever you wanted on the card. It is a very lovely idea and comes out great. But it is so fiddly, probably best for children aged 8+ I would say. I really enjoyed it though - I have a Santa and Rudolph to do now too!
Corey really enjoyed being able to help Steph make the hand print ornaments. He was asking all sorts of questions on how it was being made and getting really involved even had a go at helping roll out the dough. He noticed how the mixture was sticky and cold!
As you an see everything turned out great. My favourite being the hand print ornaments, which are made out of salt dough. Steph made it for us, which is actually so beyond quick and easy with ingredients you will already have in the house. Check out Steph's recipe and how to instructions by clicking here.
The other crafty bits in the pictures were kindly gifted to me by Baker Ross which is a very affordable craft website that you should certainly check out :)
I would love to know if any of you have any ideas for more Christmas crafts or maybe links to your own posts on some?!
Love, Gemma xo
Sunday, 14 December 2014
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Friday, 5 December 2014
Photoshoot 2014
You may or may not have seen on my instagram that recently Corey and I had a professional photoshoot. This is now Corey's 3rd with me since he was little :)
I love everything about photos, the memories they capture and the beautifulness of Corey. I am forever snapping away with my phone but fail miserably. I had a space on my wall to fill and won a Facebook competition at my local favourite photographers to get some photos done. I was super excited!
For anyone in my area of Bedfordshire, they are called Harpur Studio - you can view them by clicking here. I had pictures with them last year too (view here) and will go back again in the future. The quality is just fantastic and the two photographers are really fun lovely people :)
So I thought I would share just a few of my favourite from the day..
I'm very bias of course but isn't he just the most beautiful little boy? :) I don't particularly like any of myself in them as I am far too self concious, except for that last one - officially my favourite!!
Corey loves them all, he says he doesn't have a favourite. But he did love that saxophone. I was tempted to buy one for home, until I realised the noise would annoy me far too much!
Corey loves them all, he says he doesn't have a favourite. But he did love that saxophone. I was tempted to buy one for home, until I realised the noise would annoy me far too much!
Besides the poor photographer been bundled and attacked when Corey got the boxing gloves on, which of course Corey found hilarious. Mummy not so impressed. I think overall it went really well :)
I love that I now have these forever, it is just so beyond special for me that I can not even describe in words. They had this amazing massive photo frame in their store which will be perfect for my bedroom, I just can't decide what picture to get in there!
What do you think? :)

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