Thursday, 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas!!


Well if you hadn't guessed today is Christmas Day so a massive MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone :) It is now 9.30 in the evening as I write this. I hope you have all had a wonderful day celebrating and probably have more celebrating to do as well.

Yesterday, Christmas Eve (obviously!) was actually my nan's 70th birthday, so all the family headed out to dinner which was really nice. Afterwards, Corey headed to my mum's whilst I headed into town for my best friend's birthday drinks! It was a good night :) Luckily for me, I can go out drinking and not have a hangover!

First up, the only picture I managed to get of us two together through all the Christmas excitement..

So Christmas morning was upon us and here is a few pictures of what we got up too..

It was a really good morning and Corey loved his presents and was well behaved for a change. He absolutely adores all my family members as we are so small and very close. So all of us together is really lovely for Corey, he gets all the attention and being fussed over.

Corey asked for one thing only from Santa - Rex the dinosaur from Toy Story. It was hard to find and I left it last minute but of course mummy never fails :) As for the other presents, he had a few themes - Spurs, Lego and Superheroes then some other bits and bobs like crafts, chocolates etc.

You know your a blogger when your kid goes "mum got another present, take a picture" before opening it!! 

As well as, Corey and I are lucky enough to be going on our first holiday abroad together in March thanks to my mum and uncle who will be coming with us. This was both of our main presents. I was very lucky as after many years of wishing for a dolls house, I finally got one that I will be able to paint and decorate myself :)

Sadly, when it came to 2pm this afternoon - Corey had to go to his dads. Where I am sure he is having lots of fun opening even more presents, the lucky devil. But if you read my blog, you will know how emotional I get over being away from my baby. But on Christmas, my favourite time of year. It was hard. He isn't back until Sunday - I have a few days of being miserable without him.

Then I enjoyed this lovely meal with my family - YUM!..

However, the good thing about Christmas is the sales - yay! Well to be honest, I'm not a huge sale person because of how busy it is etc but I will be looking to see what I can treat myself too.

I'm now in bed writing this whilst watching Frozen before an early night - life of a 21 year old!!

So there you have it, my Christmas :) Once again, I really hope you all had a lovely day too! Let's finish with a question - what is your favourite Christmas song?!

Mine is 'Jingle Bell Rock' not sure who by and 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' by Mariah Carey :)

Love, Gemma xo


  1. Merry Christmas! Hope you had a lovely day xxxx

  2. Sounds lovely hun, shame about your boy going to his dads but I'm sure he's been spoilt again and he'll be back in no time. xx Kirsty Little O & Me ❤

  3. I know it is sad for you but you should be proud of taking such a selfless approach to parenting. You some will be a better and happier person in the long run and will recognise what a wonderful Mum you have been x

  4. Such a beautiful piece, so heartfelt. I hope the days pass quickly til ur little boy is home with you. He's very lucky to have such caring and selfless parents. Happy Christmas, grá x

  5. Looked like you had a great day!
    I can't imagine what it must be like not to have your baby on Xmas day, luckily my boy doesn't see his dad in that respect!
    thanks for joining #singleparentlinky



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