Sunday, 28 June 2015
Thursday, 25 June 2015
June 2015 - Monthly Favourites #4
As if another month has gone by, sometimes I sit and think 'wow time is going so slow' but really it isn't. When I write these posts I'm a bit like 'There isn't enough time to do everything!!!' Anyone else feel the same - or just me?! Let's get into this months favourites anyways..
*Mummy Loves*
*Corey Loves*
Sleepover at nanny's
School sports day
New found love for Sonic
Here is this month's favourite picture of Corey and I :) We were celebrating my Uncle's 50th Birthday. This is by far one of my favourite pictures of us in a long time. Corey looks so grown up though!!!Sleepover at nanny's
School sports day
New found love for Sonic
So I attended Brit Mums Live Blogging Conference, you can read my post about the day here. It was really good. I admit it is quite long 2 days but you really do have an amazing time. Being with 100s of fellow parent bloggers in center of London. I am lucky enough to have two very amazing best friends Vicki from EllieBearBabi and Andrea from BloggerMumma who I shared a room with, we always came a day early to do some shopping and have a girly night in the hotel. Of course, I got to meet many other of my lovely blogging friends and make new ones too. I admit I mainly go for the social aspect but well worth the experience. Was my second year attending and if I'm still blogging next year then I will probably try to go again!
This month my mum ending up booking us a little trip to Wales for end of July for my birthday. Mum grew up there so will be showing us her old house, school etc. We will be down South and hopefully get the chance to visit Cardiff for some shopping!! Will be really nice to get away for a few days during the summer holidays - very needed break for all three of us :)
Now in the comments let me know what was your favourite part of this month?!
Love, Gemma xo
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Linking up with Mummy And Me, Me And Mine and Mummy Monday.
Linking up with Mummy And Me, Me And Mine and Mummy Monday.
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monthly favourites
mummy and me linky

Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Brit Mums Live 2015
Have you heard of the Brit Mums Live blogging conference?!
Have you heard of the Brit Mums Live blogging conference?!
Most bloggers spend months preparing for what must be the biggest parenting blogger conference. Whether it from the initial overcoming nerves, the debate of purchasing the ticket, the stressful attempt to find a sponsor, what to wear, travel etc etc. Susanna Scott one of the founders of Brit Mums is such a lovely lady whom I actually had a great conversation to get to know at the end of Saturday. Susanna, the other founders and Brit Mums team members have obviously poured their heart and souls into creating such an outstanding event which must have taken a tonne of hard work and a hell of a lot of stress!
This was my second year attending and maybe my last - well I say this for now anyways. It's not that I've been there, done that. Frankly, if next year I am lucky enough to get a sponsor then I will go ahead and go because it is well worth it for the social aspect of it all. But this year wasn't as busy for some reason and certainly didn't have the same buzz as last year. I know I am not the only one who thought the same. I admit, I was in a right grumpy mood most of the time due to some personal reasons which didn't really help matters. I was in a world of my own and didn't get to say hello to anywhere near as many people as I would have liked too (sorry!!). Chronic Fatigue had really taken its toll by the end. I literally spent a whole day in bed recovering.
I came a day early on the Thursday to spend an extra day with two bloggers who became my best friends after attending last year. Vicki from EllieBearBabi and Andrea from BloggerMumma. We went into Oxford Street and done a bit of shopping and had a girly day. We Skype weekly as we all live so far, it was great to all be in one place after a whole year. Soon we will be reunited in August too. I think all 3 of us can admit the main reason we went was to socialise together and with fellow bloggers. It was great to see so many especially close friends Donna from TheLondonMum, Lucinda from Teacher2Mummy and Ally from MessedUpMum. Plus many many more. Safe to say we got a lot of selfies. So here are some:

Both this year and last year I haven't been an overly massive fan of the workshop sessions. In October last year I attended BlogFest which was a one day conference which focused on the talks more than socialising so much better for that. However, all in all I did attend four great sessions which I have learnt a lot from, got a lot of notes and some inspiration. The sessions I attended were -
Overall I didn't take too many photos except for the beautiful garden scenery, the very talented Emily Leary from AMummyToo blog doing her cake thing and bloggers breaking an actual Guinness World Record!!

I am well and truly gutted I missed Carol Smilie, as really did want to hear her keynotes on Saturday! However, I did manage to listen and even have a long chat with Caprice and she was absolutely wonderful. Here is a picture with her and lovely fellow bloggers - Michelle, Emma (totally resisted fan girling!) and Michaela.

I did learn a hell of a lot and I plan to put it all to good use! I think I have finally figured out truly the direction I want my blog to go in and how to go about it. Now just need to find the motivation to actually get on with it and do it. But hopefully the hard work will pay off eventually :)
So there you have it a bit of a look on what I thought of Brit Mums Live 2015!! If it was your first time attending or you were a returner like me, I really hope you had an amazing time :) If you've not been before then keep an eye out and book a ticket for next year as it is well worth it. Hopefully I will see you there!!
This was my second year attending and maybe my last - well I say this for now anyways. It's not that I've been there, done that. Frankly, if next year I am lucky enough to get a sponsor then I will go ahead and go because it is well worth it for the social aspect of it all. But this year wasn't as busy for some reason and certainly didn't have the same buzz as last year. I know I am not the only one who thought the same. I admit, I was in a right grumpy mood most of the time due to some personal reasons which didn't really help matters. I was in a world of my own and didn't get to say hello to anywhere near as many people as I would have liked too (sorry!!). Chronic Fatigue had really taken its toll by the end. I literally spent a whole day in bed recovering.
I came a day early on the Thursday to spend an extra day with two bloggers who became my best friends after attending last year. Vicki from EllieBearBabi and Andrea from BloggerMumma. We went into Oxford Street and done a bit of shopping and had a girly day. We Skype weekly as we all live so far, it was great to all be in one place after a whole year. Soon we will be reunited in August too. I think all 3 of us can admit the main reason we went was to socialise together and with fellow bloggers. It was great to see so many especially close friends Donna from TheLondonMum, Lucinda from Teacher2Mummy and Ally from MessedUpMum. Plus many many more. Safe to say we got a lot of selfies. So here are some:

Both this year and last year I haven't been an overly massive fan of the workshop sessions. In October last year I attended BlogFest which was a one day conference which focused on the talks more than socialising so much better for that. However, all in all I did attend four great sessions which I have learnt a lot from, got a lot of notes and some inspiration. The sessions I attended were -
Video & Lighting by RotoLight & TheVideoEffect
A great informative talk about good lighting positions for various settings and demonstrations to show the real differences by some super cute guys which always helps concentration a little bit right?! The lights look great though, I really want to get into YouTube and these will certainly be a purchase for the future if I can spare the cash sometime.
Building YouTube by Marco Danesi
This was a great talk that was extremely packed, I had to sit on the floor. Another informative chat with demonstrations. Again will really help towards hopefully my possible future in YouTube!
Creating Graphics by Julie Hall
I thought this was going to be based on how to create logo designs but really it wasn't. It was about making the most of pictures, editing and fonts etc. I found it so useful and learnt some really great new tools that I can't wait to have a play around on to help improve my pictures!!
How To Market Yourself And Your Writing by Joanna Penn
This I admit was not really based on blogs but as writing a book from Best Selling Author J.F.Penn! I admit it really has made me want to write a book but I am not good enough unfortunately. However, if I wanted to try in future I really do know some great ways to go about it.
Overall I didn't take too many photos except for the beautiful garden scenery, the very talented Emily Leary from AMummyToo blog doing her cake thing and bloggers breaking an actual Guinness World Record!!

I am well and truly gutted I missed Carol Smilie, as really did want to hear her keynotes on Saturday! However, I did manage to listen and even have a long chat with Caprice and she was absolutely wonderful. Here is a picture with her and lovely fellow bloggers - Michelle, Emma (totally resisted fan girling!) and Michaela.

I did learn a hell of a lot and I plan to put it all to good use! I think I have finally figured out truly the direction I want my blog to go in and how to go about it. Now just need to find the motivation to actually get on with it and do it. But hopefully the hard work will pay off eventually :)
So there you have it a bit of a look on what I thought of Brit Mums Live 2015!! If it was your first time attending or you were a returner like me, I really hope you had an amazing time :) If you've not been before then keep an eye out and book a ticket for next year as it is well worth it. Hopefully I will see you there!!
blog awards
blog events

Sunday, 14 June 2015
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Haul: Summer/Travel Essentials & More
It feels like it has been a little while since I have written a post to be honest but I've been busy, busy shopping! I've finally brought enough stuff in one go to actually do a haul. From now till the end of July, I have 3 trips way - Brit Mums Live Blogging Conference, Center Parcs with the girls and family trip to Wales. Which means I have been buying some travel/summer essentials plus re-purchased some of my every day skincare beauties. All of these where picked up from Body Shop and Boots..
Boots Travel Size Toiletries
There you have it some of my purchases to help for my trips away :) A major essential which is on its way in the post is Urban Decay setting spray to help hold my make-up all day for my oily skin - don't go a day without it. I may do a post on what's in my travel make-up bag - what do you think?
Let me know in comments your absolute top 3 essentials for travel?
It feels like it has been a little while since I have written a post to be honest but I've been busy, busy shopping! I've finally brought enough stuff in one go to actually do a haul. From now till the end of July, I have 3 trips way - Brit Mums Live Blogging Conference, Center Parcs with the girls and family trip to Wales. Which means I have been buying some travel/summer essentials plus re-purchased some of my every day skincare beauties. All of these where picked up from Body Shop and Boots..
Lets start with these little bits, kind of the boring stuff of my hayl. But is it just me that finds travel size super cute?! They make me want to say 'aww' haha. Plus extra bonus they are 3 for 2 in Boots. I wanted to buy Aussie shampoo and conditioner but it was out of stock. So I came across this Charles Worthington as the packaging was colourful, says about sunshine protection so will give a go and see. Hopefully be nice! Always need toothpaste and mouthwash of course, minty fresh and all. Ok, my obsession for yummy smelling shower gels is ridicilous now. But this lemon and tea tree I am so excited to try!! I also brought deodrants, got full size though as we just last me way longer over the trips. I'm pretty sure this stuff won't last my 3 trips and will need to buy shampoo and wash stuff again - I like to use generous amounts!!
Body Shop Tea Tree Range
Okay so not really a summer or travel essential. However, I was running out of all my skincare bits so was time for me to re-purchase like I do every few months. But these will be coming with me on my travels, got to keep up the skincare regime whilst away. My skin is oily and acne prone - it's yukky and upsetting but this is the best range that I have found to help as long as I do it every day. Sometimes I get lazy at night time - don't judge me, I like sleep. But I'm determined to sort it out and help. The Tea Tree face mask is amazzzing - I prefer way more than the bloggers holy grail Glam Glow. You may see the Camomile eye make-up remover, it is so good and really is gentle so does not irritate my sensitive eyes and gets off the hardest waterproof mascaras. I just highly recommend this whole lot especially if your skin is like mine :) I've wrote about it in the past here and here.
Body Shop Virgin Mojito Range
Whilst picking up my essentials, I saw this new range. I honestly didn't think I would like the scent as it is 'Virgin Mojito' and thought it may be minty (I don't like minty)! However I have to admit I was intrigued by the cocktail maker, who wouldn't be right?! But oh my god, let me just tell you know - nicest scent ever!!!! It's kind of like a lime citrus etc. Yum! I treated myself to the cocktail maker which included the above - mini scrub, mini body butter, mini loufer thing and full size shower gel. All for £25. I thought I would try as why not, but I will be going back for the full size scrub and body butter. I'm pretty sure this is limited edition but please Body Shop make it part of the permanent range!!!
St Tropez Light/Medium Gradual Tan
I want to fake tan, always have but I am super ghost like pale. Plus the idea of having to go salon every few weeks is just long and expensive. I've tried gradual tans before but they have always been way too orange like Nivea, Garnier etc.I have a summer wedding in August and if I decide to be brave and show my legs then I want a bit of colour that won't rub off onto my clothes. So I found this in boots, a great fake tan make with a gradual tan for light skin. Yay! I've tried just on my legs once but nothing so far. I'm going to apply every other day and see what happens. If I like then I will attempt the rest of my body. Has anyone tried this before? What do you think? :) Even got the face version. It was like £18 for both but they will last a long time, for me anyways. But please single ladies tell me how you fake tan your own backs?!?!
False Lashes, etc
Here's me all for trying new things, fake tan and now false lashes. Let's start with fact that I don't wear eyeliner, it does not suit me. I love my lashes but I want a little more glam sometimes. In preparation for the wedding I thought I would try some individual lashes, I have a big blogging event next week so can test how long they last. Not sure if I will apply them right, I'm watching YouTube tutorials in a minute to try later on today for a party. Wish me luck!!
Body tape, this stuff is genious. I have the perfect dress that I love to wear but without this tape my clevage would be an open book literally. So worth it and there is like 27 pieces so lasts me for ages!! Plus picked up a handy little metal nail file for like 89p as keep losing all of mine.
There you have it some of my purchases to help for my trips away :) A major essential which is on its way in the post is Urban Decay setting spray to help hold my make-up all day for my oily skin - don't go a day without it. I may do a post on what's in my travel make-up bag - what do you think?
Let me know in comments your absolute top 3 essentials for travel?
Love, Gemma xo
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Nickelodeon Store - Leicester Square, London
If you saw my recent post from last week about how I got invited to go to a wonderful exclusive pre-opening of the first UK flagship Nickelodeon Store in Leicester Square, London. It's right next to the M&M store.
Whilst I was there, we were luckily enough to be treated to a gorgeous place called Muriels Kitchen. The decor was amazing and food was super yummy!
Then once we headed to the store, we got to have a look around and see the store. As well as do some fun activities like making a hat, treasure hunt and pass the parcel.
Some of the things they sell in the store, is massive amounts of Spongebob which I am super excited about. As well as Paw Patrol, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dora The Explorer, Bubble Guppies
The store is now open to public, be sure to visit. I certainly will be!! Will you?!
If you saw my recent post from last week about how I got invited to go to a wonderful exclusive pre-opening of the first UK flagship Nickelodeon Store in Leicester Square, London. It's right next to the M&M store.
Whilst I was there, we were luckily enough to be treated to a gorgeous place called Muriels Kitchen. The decor was amazing and food was super yummy!
Then once we headed to the store, we got to have a look around and see the store. As well as do some fun activities like making a hat, treasure hunt and pass the parcel.
Some of the things they sell in the store, is massive amounts of Spongebob which I am super excited about. As well as Paw Patrol, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dora The Explorer, Bubble Guppies
The store is now open to public, be sure to visit. I certainly will be!! Will you?!
Love, Gemma xo
blog events

Half Term Shenanigans #3
Well here is another dose of what we have been up too this half term. I'm a bit late on this because well I forgot - whoops! Least this time it isn't spent with Chicken Pox like Easter (read here for that!).
Well here is another dose of what we have been up too this half term. I'm a bit late on this because well I forgot - whoops! Least this time it isn't spent with Chicken Pox like Easter (read here for that!).
blog events
day out
half term

Tuesday, 2 June 2015
WishList - Birthday Edition
So soon (ish) in July it will be my 22nd birthday. I've been wanting to do another wishlist for a while as so many things I want and thought would give some hints to those buying presents (family hint hint!)
There you have it - my wishlist. Check out some of my previous wishlists this year for some more inspiration of gifts for any occasion :) Click here and here to view. What is at the top of your wishlist at the moment?!
So soon (ish) in July it will be my 22nd birthday. I've been wanting to do another wishlist for a while as so many things I want and thought would give some hints to those buying presents (family hint hint!)
JohnGreed - £35
Well just how could you not love and want this?! It is an official Pandora charm but I the personilation is by JohnGreed.
John Greed - £70
I have a charm similar to this. Same shape with a family going round it with gold hearts. This charm has infinity symbol going round and I love that symbol. I want it to go with my other one so have a lovely pair :)
DVLA - £399
I know this seems like a really weird present but for a while now I have wanted this one. I came across it as I was bored once and just browsing for some random reason. I *hopefully* will have passed my test soon and have a car ready and waiting for me. They are C for Corey, 19 for his birthday and GLC is my initials but also Corey's backwards!!
MAC Cosmetics
I've gone with choosing a voucher because I want so much but of course I am fussy. A voucher is versatile, I could buy a lipstick, lipliner, foundation, eyeshadows etc!!
Next Home - Rustic Numerical Wall Clock
Next - £40
It is sooo pretty. I don't have a clock in my bedroom and have a wall to fill. A clock like this would be the perfect addition!!
New Look - £19.99
Looks like such a beautiful dress, great geo print too. Looks like it could be really flattering on my body shape and size. Could be dressed up or down for all occasions such as nights out, date night or just a picnic in the park.
River Island - £10
I need some new sunglasses in general especially for when I can drive as the sun ends up blinding me but of course the sun is always a good thing!! They are black and leopard print inside - am I the only one that is still loving leopard prints?!
River Island - £25
I've had my eye on this bag for a while, I think it would be perfect for special occasions and a summer wedding I have coming up in August :)
Disney Store - £12.95
I loveee Rapunzel and Disney. She is by far my favourite princess and love the movie so much. I already have the big wedding version doll but this little toddler version is so cute and would go nicely next to my Boo from Monsters Inc (my other favourite!).
Next Home - Positivity Picture & Frame
Next - £30
At the moment I am all about positivity at the moment, I never realised how much it could really help. But waking up to this every day would be a great way to start the day :)
There you have it - my wishlist. Check out some of my previous wishlists this year for some more inspiration of gifts for any occasion :) Click here and here to view. What is at the top of your wishlist at the moment?!
Love, Gemma xo
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